Weddings at St Lukes

St Lukes is a beau­ti­ful church in which to be mar­ried. We are an Anglic­an Church and to be mar­ried at St Lukes you will need to con­tact the church office on 02 95574219 or via our web­site.

Because we are an Anglic­an Church, mar­riages can­not be con­duc­ted by non-Anglic­an clergy or by sec­u­lar wed­ding cel­eb­rants at St Lukes. Fr Jeff Park­er, our rect­or, is an exper­i­enced priest who has mar­ried over 200 couples and will work with you to make sure the cere­mony con­tains a great deal of your input.

Those who come to St Lukes for a wed­ding will need to under­take some pre­par­a­tion. Pre­par­ing for mar­riage is a lot of fun and a sig­ni­fic­ant invest­ment of a small amount of time before enter­ing into a life­time rela­tion­ship.

Couples want­ing to be mar­ried at the church may come along to a wor­ship ser­vice at St Lukes’ to help ori­ent­ate them before they make their vows before God in this place.

If you want us to con­duct your wed­ding you need to provide to us:

• Birth cer­ti­fic­ates for both parties (Aus­trali­an pass­ports are not suf­fi­cient for Aus­trali­an Cit­izens)
• Over­seas pass­ports for for­eign cit­izens.
• Final divorce papers or Death Cer­ti­fic­ate (for former spouse) if you are look­ing to be re-mar­ried.

Pho­to­graph­ers need to obey instruc­tions giv­en by clergy for the mar­riage cere­mony.

COSTS: There is cur­rently an all-inclus­ive fee of $950 for a wed­ding at St Lukes. This price cov­ers all paper­work, pre­par­a­tion, flowers and a beau­ti­ful hand­made wed­ding candle as a spe­cial memento of the cere­mony.

Included are the costs of the pre­par­a­tion pro­gramme, all wed­ding paper­work and cer­ti­fic­ates, the organ­ist if required, fresh flowers, and the assist­ance of a ver­ger on the day. If you want an offi­cial wed­ding cer­ti­fic­ate for iden­ti­fic­a­tion pur­poses after the cere­mony, you will need to obtain this your­self from the Registry of Births, Deaths and Mar­riages.

It’s great pre­par­ing for mar­riage, even if you have been togeth­er for a long time. We try to be real­ist­ic, mature and respect­ful to all who come for mar­riage and by your wed­ding day we are usu­ally good friends.

If you want to find out more about being mar­ried in our par­ish, please call the office: 02 9557 4219, or send an email through the web­site. Once your mind is made up, you need to pay a depos­it of $100 to con­firm your book­ing.