16th October 2016
St Luke, Evangelist and Martyr
Welcome to our Patronal Festival Service & Luncheon
At St Luke’s we seek to share God’s unconditional love and acceptance of all people, regardless of age gender, race, marital or family status, sexual orientation, disability or wealth.
Celebrant: | Fr. Philip Bradford |
Preacher | Professor Diane Speed |
Welcomers Today: | Stuart Grigg & Ruth Champion |
Next week: | Kevin Green & John Tonetti |
Readers Today: | Richard Hagen & Kate Abou Takka |
Readers next week: | Belinda Reddy & Edwin Reddy |
Intercessor: | Amrit MacIntyre |
Next week: | Ruth Champion |
Hospitality: | Shared Lunch |
Next Week: | Thai Community |
Cleaners Saturday 22 Oct: | Moya Holle, John Tonetti, Neville Daniels |
ABM. Anglican Board of Mission-Australia
Working for Love, Hope, & Justice
Consider Luke, scholar and evangelist patiently giving an account of the work of God in Christ and the early church, but also standing with God’s people in their time of trial. As he wrote the Gospel reading for today no doubt he reflected upon his own response to the call of Christ to go out into the harvest. May we follow his example in our lives for our families, friends, neighbours and work colleagues need to hear of the love and mercy of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and see this good news reflected in our lives.
- Pray that we may ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field for the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
- Give thanks for the Zambia Anglican Council’s Outreach Program.
Text:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dr Michael Sutton
Ordination candidate, Diocese of Grafton
© Anglican Board of Mission, 2016
Introit Hymn: Â TIS 455 — For all the saints
- For all the saints, who from their labours rest,
who to the world their Lord by faith confessed,
your name O Jesus, be for ever blessed.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - You were their rock, their fortress and their might
you were their captain in the well fought fight
in deepest darkness still their one true light.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - So may your servants, faithful, true and bold,
fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,
and win, with them, the victor’s crown of gold.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - O blest communion, fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine,
all yours, all joined in unity divine.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long,
steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - The golden evening brightens in the west;
soon, soon to faithful warriors comes their rest,
the peaceful calm of paradise the blest.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - But see, there breaks a yet more glorious day;
the saints triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of glory passes on his way.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - From earth’s wide bounds and ocean’s farthest shore,
through heaven’s gate the holy people pour;
the Three-in-One for ever they adore.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
[Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams 1872–1958
Words by William Walsham How 1823–97]
The Sentence: The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few; ask therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.
Luke 10.2
The Collect:
Almighty God,
who inspired your servant Luke the physician
to set forth in his gospel
the love and healing power of your Son:
graciously continue in your Church
this love and power to heal,
to the praise and glory of your name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the  Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Amen.
First Reading                                                             Jeremiah 8.22–9:3
A reading from the book of Prophet Jeremiah
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has the health of my poor people not been restored? O that my head were a spring of water, and my eyes a fountain of tears, so that I might weep day and night for the slain of my poor people! O that I had in the desert a traveller’s lodging place that I might leave my people and go away from them! For they are all adulterers, a band of traitors. They bend their tongues like bows; they have grown strong in the land for falsehood, and not for truth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me, says the Lord.
For the word of the Lord                                           Thanks be to God
Psalm 145:10–18
10Â Â All creation | praises you, O | Lord;
and your faithful | servants | bless your | name.
11Â Â They speak of the glory | of your | kingdom;
and | tell of your | great | might.
†12 That all people may know your | mighty | acts;
and the glorious | splendour | of your | kingdom.
13Â Â Your kingdom is an ever|lasting | kingdom;
and your dominion en|dures through | all gener|ations.
14 The Lord upholds all | those who | stumble;
and raises up | those that are | bowed | down.
15Â Â The eyes of all look to | you in | hope;
and you give them their | food in | due | season.
16Â Â You open | wide your | hand;
and fill all things | living with your | bounteous | gift.
17Â Â The Lord is just in | all his | ways;
and | faithful in | all his | doings.
18Â Â The Lord is near to all who | call up|on him;
to all who | call up|on him in | truth.
Glo|ry to | God; Father | Son and | Holy | Spirit.
As in the be|ginning so | now; and for | ever. | A|men.
Second Reading                                                       2 Timothy 4.9–17a
A reading from Paul’s Second letter to Timothy
Please come as soon as you can. Demas has deserted me because he loves the things of this life and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus has gone to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Bring Mark with you when you come, for he will be helpful to me. I sent Tychicus to Ephesus. When you come, be sure to bring the coat I left with Carpus at Troas. Also bring my books, and especially my papers. Alexander the coppersmith has done me much harm, but the Lord will judge him for what he has done. Be careful of him, for he fought against everything we said. The first time I was brought before the judge, no one was with me. Everyone had abandoned me. I hope it will not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength, so that I might preach the Good News in all its fullness for all the Gentiles to hear. And he saved me from certain death.
For the word of the Lord                                            Thanks be to God
Gospel Procession:
The Gospel Acclamation.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
I have chosen you from the world, | says the | Lord.
to go and | bear fruit | that will | last.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
The Gospel                                                                             Luke 10.1–9
The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke
X Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ
The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them on ahead in pairs to all the towns and villages he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest, and ask him to send out more workers for his fields. Go now, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves. Don’t take along any money, or a traveler’s bag, or even an extra pair of sandals. And don’t stop to greet anyone on the road. “Whenever you enter a home, give it your blessing. If those who live there are worthy, the blessing will stand; if they are not, the blessing will return to you. When you enter a town, don’t move around from home to home. Stay in one place, eating and drinking what they provide you. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay. “If a town welcomes you, eat whatever is set before you and heal the sick. As you heal them, say, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’
For Gospel of the Lord                                             Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
Hymn after the Sermon TIS 405 — O spirit of the living God
- O Spirit of the living God,
in all the fullness of your grace,
wherever human foot has trod
descend on our rebellious race. - Give tongues of fire and hearts of love
to preach the reconciling word;
anoint with power from above
whenever gospel truth is heard. - Be darkness, at your coming, light;
confusion, order in your path
souls without strength inspire with might;
bid mercy triumph over wrath. - O, Spirit of the Lord, prepare
the whole round earth its God to meet;
and breathe abroad like morning air;
till hearts of stone begin to beat. - Baptize the nations, far and wide
the triumphs of the Cross record;
the name of Christ be glorified;
let every people call him Lord.
[Music by Percy Carter Buck 1871–1947,
Words by James Montgomery 1771–1854]
Prayer for our Parish
God of Love,
God of Mission,
You alone bring growth to your Church.
Send to us your Holy Spirit — to give-
Vision for our planning,
Wisdom in our actions,
And power to our witness.
Help our church to grow in numbers,
In spiritual commitment to you
And in service to our local community.
Offertory Hymn TIS 520 — Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour
- Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour,
first-begotten from the dead,
you alone our strong defender,
lifting up your people’s head:
alleluia, alleluia,
Jesus, true and living bread. - Here our humble homage pay we,
here in loving reverence bow;
here for faith’s discernment pray we,
lest we fail to know you now:
alleluia, alleluia,
you are here, we ask not how. - Though the lowliest form now veils you
as of old in Bethlehem,
here as there your angels hail you,
branch and flower of Jesse’s stem;
alleluia, alleluia,
we in worship join with them. - Paschal Lamb, your offering, finished
once for all when you were slain,
in its fullness undiminished
shall for evermore remain,
alleluia, alleluia,
cleansing souls from every stain. - Great High Priest of our profession
through the veil you entered in;
by your mighty intercession
grace and mercy you can win:
alleluia, alleluia,
only sacrifice for sin. - Life-imparting heavenly manna,
stricken rock with streaming side,
heaven and earth with loud hosanna
worship you, the Lamb who died
alleluia, alleluia,
ris’n, ascended, glorified!
[Music by George Clement Martin 1844–1916
Words by George Hugh Bourne 1840–1925 alt.]
Communion Chant
Hymn after the Blessing TIS 432 — Christ is made the sure foundation
[WESTMINSTER ABBEY 87.87.87 Henry Purcell 1659–95 adapted by Ernest Hawkins 1802–68  from an anthem]
- Christ is made the sure foundation,
Christ the head and cornerstone,
chosen by the Lord, and precious,
binding all the church in one,
holy Zion’s help for ever,
and her confidence alone. - All that dedicated city,
dearly loved by God on high,
in exultant jubilation
pours perpetual melody,
God the Three in One adoring,
praising him eternally. - Here among us, where we call you
come, O Lord our God, today;
with your gentle loving kindness
hear your people as we pray,
and your fullest benediction
pour upon us here today. - Here bestow on all your people
what we ask of you to gain,
what we gain from you for ever
with the blessèd to retain,
and hereafter in your glory
evermore with you to reign. - Praise and honour to the Father,
praise and honour to the Son,
praise and honour to the Spirit,
ever Three and ever One,
one in might and one in glory
while eternal ages run.
[From Urbs beata Hierusalem, Latin, c. 7th cent. tr. John Mason Neale 1818–66 alt.
The Notices
Welcome to our “Back to St Luke’s Day†Celebrations – A special welcome to our Guest preacher, Professor Diane Speed, Dean and CEO of Sydney College of Divinity. We welcome back too former parishioners and others connected with St Luke’s or St Augustine’s who have joined us today. Please come to the hall after church for a tea/coffee and luncheon.
The Synod of the Diocese continues Monday and Tuesday this week. Please pray for our Synod representatives Moya Holle, Peter Seymour and Fr. Philip.
After Synod, our Tuesday night Bible Studies will resume at 5 Lincoln Street and we will be looking at the Book of Daniel. More details next week.
Tuesday 18 October – Have your Will prepared for just $50 by a qualified solicitor. All proceeds will help Anglicare offer hope to marginalized and vulnerable people in our community. The location is Anglicare, 1 Sloane Street, Summer Hill and appointments are available between 8 am and 6 pm. Phone 9895 8048 to make an appointment.
Sunday 23 October at 4.00 p.m. – Evensong with the Brabyn Singers and High Tea. Parishioners are requested to bring a plate of food to share with our guests. If you haven’t been before, this is a lovely way to end your Sunday – on a spiritual and musical high!
Sunday 23 October at 2.00 pm – Eremos End of Year Gathering and AGM. Guest speaker is the Rev. Graham Long, Pastor of the Wayside Chapel. See further information on the Notice Board.
Wednesday 26 October at 7.30 p.m. – Women’s Reading Group meets at Pauline Newell’s home at 43/1 Coronation Avenue, Petersham. All welcome.
Friday 28 October – Bus trip to the Historic Blue Mountains organized by St Paul’s Burwood. Cost, which includes paper bag lunch/tea and coffee, is $55. Application forms on Information Table and Notice Board. If you would like to go please contact the parish via their website.
Sunday 6 November – Confirmation Service – Bishop Michael Stead will be here for the confirmation service. If you or anyone you know wishes to be confirmed, please see Fr Philip today.
Saturday 26 November – Christmas Market. Less than two months away now and we want it to be bigger and better than ever. It’s time to start baking those Christmas Cakes! See Jennifer Bestel for further information. All offers of help will be appreciated.
Bookstall News – Nadia’s book Flight has won the Picture Book Award in the Children’s Book Awards for this year. We have copies in stock. We also have 2017 Calendars featuring beautiful photographs of Australian Anglican Churches – only $10 each, and the 2017 Lectionaries have arrived.
ABM Cooks are taking orders for: Lemon butter; Apple Chutney; Tomato Relish; Fruit Cake; Florentine Biscuits (with or without nuts); Cheese Oatmeal biscuits; Zucchini Pickles. Place your orders with Moya.
A guest recently asked why we do not wear our name tags!
Please wear your name badge, especially afterwards during morning tea in the hall so newcomers and others can know your name and feel a part of our community.
Advance Notice
A NEW Australian Musical LADIES IN BLACK. Star City Lyric Theatre — 8 pm Wednesday 18 January Cost $80. Let John Roe know by 13 November if you are interested 0400955772 or jroe@bigpond.net.au
Anglican World News:
Asia Bibi, the Christian woman on death row in Pakistan after being convicted of blasphemy in a row over drinking water, will have to wait for her Supreme Court appeal after a hearing due to take place today was adjourned. Justice Iqbal Hameed-ur-Rehman, one of the panel of three judges due to hear the appeal, excused himself saying that there was a conflict of interest.
Giving to St Luke’s
Envelopes in which to place your weekly offering are available at the Welcome Table at the entrance to the church and also at the Information Table near the Bookstall. If you would like to use this method of giving, please take a box. Alternatively …
If you want to ensure regular giving to St Luke’s, but find you never have the right amount in cash, or are sometimes unable to attend on Sundays, then St Luke’s Direct Transfer may work for you. Please put your name or the word “Offering†as a reference.
St Luke’s Enmore Bank Account Details
Account Name:         St Luke’s Anglican Church Working Account
BSB: 062–165 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Account Number: 10023547
Bible Readings for the Week 19–24 October 2016
MONDAY | Proverbs 3:27–34 | Psalm 15 | Luke 8:16–18 |
TUESDAY | Proverbs 21;1–13 | Psalm 119:33–40 | Luke 8:19–21 |
WEDNESDAY | Proverbs 3:1–6 | Psalm 19:1–6 | Matt:9:9–13 |
THURSDAY | Ecclesiastes 1:2–11 | Psalm 90:1–6 | Luke 9:1–9 |
FRIDAY | Ecclesiastes 3:1–11 | Psalm 144:1–4 | Luke 9:18–22 |
SATURDAY | Ecclesiastes 11:9–12:8 | Psalm 90:13–17 | Luke 9:43–45 |
Next Sunday‘s Readings
Joel 2.23–32
Psalm 65
2 timothy 4.6–8, 16–18
Gospel Luke 18.15–30
Prayers for each day of the week Today: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Our Prayers for those in immediate need: Leanne; Bruce Sims & Peter; Caroline Wilson; Dawn Holland; Asia Bibi, Robert and Lyndall; Linda Jensathit; Fr Ron Morris. |
Prayer for the sick or in need.
Shirley Allen; Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Fatima Begum; Angela Bell; Ross Black; Lyn Carrington; Kay & Russell Clark; Paull Garrett; Ros Gee; Madeline Gee; Marilyn Gibbs;Â Tina Gounder & Jayden Gounder; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Joseph Jeebell; Ann Jeffs, Eddy Kittirat; Melissa, John & Baby Gerard; Jude & Isla; Marissa; Emily & Taylor McCormick; Jennifer McGovern; John Naidu; Pauline Newell; Peter Purcell; Brian Rawnsley; Edward Reddy; Alex Regos; Joy Ree; Stephen Thomas; Sophie Toupein; Janet Walmsley; Bishop Greg Thompson & Diocese of Newcastle; Yavani Mu Daly, Victoria, Leigh Garretty, Nii Samuela; David, David & Chandra; Nilesh Gandar & family; Aliesha; Julian; Eve Moggs; Pittaya Nitcharoen; Bill Phipps & family; John Micallef; Lillian & mother; Jack & family. Recently Departed: Janet McLeod Anniversaries of the Departed Leo Castles; Len Harris; Ella Morey; Vic Watson; Herbert Goldsmith; Alice bugle; Olga Wall; Walter Pinkerton; Anne Barret Saints Commemoration: 17th: Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr (d.c.115) 18th: Luke, Evangelist and Martyr |
Parish Information                                                    ABN.78 161 584 893.Parish Information
Sung Eucharist and Children’s Ministry at 9.30 am followed by hospitality in the hall. Thai Community meets in the Chapel after morning tea. Enquiries to Amanda Mason 0407 101 382.
Wednesday 9.30 a.m. — Morning Prayer; 10.00 a.m. Eucharist (followed by morning tea)
Friday 8.30 a.m. – Morning Prayer
CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Reconciliation) HOME COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, & MARRIAGES by arrangement.
Rector — Fr Philip Bradford — 0431 655 220 (Mob)
Office Ph 9557 4219 PO Box 64. Enmore NSW 2042
Parish email:Â rector@stlukesenmore.org.au
Fr Philip:Â bradford.pr@gmail.com
Pastoral Care
Lay-Ministers — Part Time – Lea MacNeil & Amanda Mason.
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 9.00 to 11.00 am; Wednesday 9.00 am to 12 noon; Friday 8.30 to 10.30 a.m. www.stlukesenmore.org.au Hon Clergy Associate: Organist: Kathy Drummond ST LUKE’S OP SHOP, Hall Administrator: |
Wardens: Jennie Winton Mb 0401727718. Eddy Reddy Mb 0410634948 Ruth Champion Mb 0400166041 Parish Council: Parish Nominators: Pastoral Care Support Group |
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