Sermons from 2018 (Page 5)

Good Friday 2018

Good Fri­day 30 March 2018 John 18:1 – 19:42  As the scope of today’s Gos­pel read­ing indic­ates, Good Fri­day is a time to reflect on the whole event of Jesus death. So rather than attempt­ing com­ment on all of John 18:1 – 19:42, I will lim­it myself to some brief yet hol­ist­ic com­ments. I will…

But Go, Tell

But go, tell Ser­mon preached on East­er Day, 1st. April 2018 at Enmore. Read­ing: Mark 16.1–8. I heard a story recently about an Anglic­an Min­is­ter in anoth­er dio­cese who was want­ing to chal­lenge the think­ing of his Christ­mas Day con­greg­a­tion so he began his ser­mon by ask­ing a num­ber of rhet­or­ic­al ques­tions: ‘Do we actu­ally…

My God, My God, Why?

My God, My God, why have you for­saken me? Ser­mon preached on Palm Sunday at Enmore, 25th March 2018 Read­ing: The Pas­sion accord­ing to Mark. In keep­ing with the rest of his nar­rat­ive, Mark’s account of the cru­ci­fix­ion of Jesus is sparse. He gives us the barest facts with little embel­lish­ment. Jesus is silent on…

For the sake of the Gospel

For the sake of the Gos­pel  Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 2nd. Sunday in Lent, 25th. March 2018 Read­ings: Gen­es­is 17. 1–7, 15–16; Romans 4.13–25; Mark 8.31–38. “Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must under­go great suf­fer­ing and be rejec­ted by the eld­ers, the chief priests and the scribes and be…

He lifted her up

He lif­ted her up Ser­mon preached at St.Luke’s Enmore, 5th Sunday after Epi­phany, 4th Feb­ru­ary 2018 Read­ing: Mark 1. 29–39 In the Gos­pel pas­sage for today, Mark gives us a day in the life of Jesus, begin­ning on the Sab­bath morn­ing with the heal­ing in the syn­agogue and con­tinu­ing through the day until sun­down and…