Sermons from 2018 (Page 4)

Trinity Sunday

THE TRINITY Ser­mon preached Trin­ity Sunday 2018 Read­ings: Psalm 29; Isai­ah 6.1–8; Romans 8.12–17; John 3.1–17 As we cel­eb­rate the Trin­ity today, we reflect on a sub­ject that’s been a focus of intense theo­lo­gic­al reflec­tion from the days of the early church to the present, but also a spir­itu­al mys­tery on which the faith­ful have med­it­ated…

When the Spirit comes, Pentecost 2018

When the Spir­it comes Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Pente­cost Sunday, 20th. May 2018. Read­ings: Acts 2.1–21; Romans 8.22–27; John 15.26–27, 16.4–15. It used to be said that the Holy Spir­it was the neg­lected mem­ber of the Trin­ity. We talked a lot about God the Fath­er and a lot about Jesus but we sel­dom spoke about…

Is this the time? Ascension 2018

Is this the time? Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Ascen­sion, 13th. May 2018 Read­ings: Acts 1. 1–11 I won’t ask you to put your hand up if you remembered on Thursday that it was Ascen­sion Day. When a major feast day falls dur­ing the week it is easy to for­get it, that is why we have…

The Lord is My shepherd

The Lord is my Shep­herd 2018 Ser­mon preached at Enmore, The Fourth Sunday of East­er, 22nd. April 2018 Read­ings: Psalm 23; John 10.1–10 Writ­ing in the late nine­teenth cen­tury, Henry Ward Beech­er, the fam­ous Amer­ic­an preach­er and social act­iv­ist was moved to write this about the 23rd. Psalm: The Twenty Third Psalm is the night­in­gale…

Peace be with you

Peace be with you Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Second Sunday of East­er, 8th. April 2018 On a cold day in Decem­ber last year a woman named Leah Ross came home to her house in Win­nipeg to dis­cov­er that it had been ran­sacked. She called the police, her neigh­bour and her church across the street. Then…