Sermons from 2018 (Page 3)

With Power

With Power Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 10th. Sunday after Pente­cost, 29th July 2018 Read­ings: 2 Samuel 11.1–15; Eph­esians 3.14–21; John 6.1–21. You have prob­ably heard the old mis­quote, ‘Power cor­rupts and abso­lute power is even nicer’. It came to mind this week as I reflec­ted on the lec­tion­ary read­ings, all of which in some way…

The Bible in Australia

St Luke’s Enmore, 8 July 2018 One Fri­day, almost exactly 200 years ago, young Mary Has­sall sat in her Par­ra­matta par­lour. Listen­ing with her fam­ily to a vis­it­ing Wes­ley­an preach­er, she heard a word that caught her, and moved her to her bones. ‘And he blessed him there’. It’s a verse from the story of…

God in a box

God in a box 2018  Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 8th Sunday after Pente­cost, 15th July 2018 Read­ings: 2 Samuel 6.1–5, 12b-19; Eph­esians 1.1–14; Mark 6.14–29. The story of Dav­id dan­cing before the ark is one of those rather strange stor­ies that we find in our Old Test­a­ment. Dav­id is the fig­ure who dom­in­ates the two…

In Fear & Trembling

In Fear and trem­bling Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 6th. Sunday after Pente­cost, 1st. July 2018 Read­ings: 2 Samuel 1.1,17–27; Ps. 130; 2 Cor. 8.7–15; Mark 5.21–43 The Psalm set for today begins with the words, ‘Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.’ This is David’s cry from the heart as he mourns…

Here I am

Here I am Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Second Sunday after Pente­cost, 3rd. June 2018 Read­ings: 1 Samuel 3.1–20; Psalm 139; 1–6, 13–18; 2 Cor­inthi­ans 4:5–12; Mark 2:23–3:6 The story of the call of Samuel is a beau­ti­fully told nar­rat­ive in the Old Test­a­ment which is prob­ably very famil­i­ar to most of us and for that…