Sermons from June 2018

Here I am

Here I am Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Second Sunday after Pente­cost, 3rd. June 2018 Read­ings: 1 Samuel 3.1–20; Psalm 139; 1–6, 13–18; 2 Cor­inthi­ans 4:5–12; Mark 2:23–3:6 The story of the call of Samuel is a beau­ti­fully told nar­rat­ive in the Old Test­a­ment which is prob­ably very famil­i­ar to most of us and for that…

Trinity Sunday

THE TRINITY Ser­mon preached Trin­ity Sunday 2018 Read­ings: Psalm 29; Isai­ah 6.1–8; Romans 8.12–17; John 3.1–17 As we cel­eb­rate the Trin­ity today, we reflect on a sub­ject that’s been a focus of intense theo­lo­gic­al reflec­tion from the days of the early church to the present, but also a spir­itu­al mys­tery on which the faith­ful have med­it­ated…