Sermons from 2018

Advent 1 The Kingdom of God is near.

Advent 1, 2018. The King­dom of God is near Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Advent Sunday, 2nd. Decem­ber 2018 Read­ing: Luke 21. 25–38 Advent Sunday means the start of a new Church year and a new Gos­pel for this Year C in the lec­tion­ary cycle-the Gos­pel of Luke. We are thrown in at the deep end…

Christ the King 2018

Christ the King Ser­mon preached at Enmore, ‘Christ the King’ Sunday, 25th. Novem­ber 2018 Read­ings: 2 Samuel 23. 1–7; Rev­el­a­tion 1. 4–8; John 18. 33–37. The feast of Christ the King is fairly new cel­eb­ra­tion in the litur­gic­al cal­en­dar, hav­ing been insti­tuted by Pope Pius XI in1925. Pius was wit­ness­ing the rise of non-Chris­ti­an fas­cist…

The Wings of Refuge

The Wings of Refuge, Enmore 2018 Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Pente­cost 27, 11th Novem­ber 2018 Read­ing: Ruth 3.1–5; 4.13–17 & Mark 12:38–44. On this Remem­brance Sunday when we often focus on the men who gave their lives in com­bat we also need to remem­ber the great con­tri­bu­tion of women to the war effort and also…

No longer sad

No longer sad  Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 26th Sunday after Pente­cost, 18th Novem­ber 2018 Read­ing: 1 Samuel 1. 4–20; Mark 13.1–11 After look­ing at the story of Ruth last week, our Old Test­a­ment read­ing today gives us anoth­er nar­rat­ive about a woman, the story of Han­nah. Hannah’s story takes us into the begin­ning of a…

God will wipe away every tear

God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Ser­mon preached at Enmore, All Saints Day, 4th Novem­ber 2018 Read­ings: Isai­ah 25.6–9; Rev­el­a­tion 21.1–6; John 11. 32–44 Our All Saint’s Day read­ings span the cen­tur­ies but have a com­mon theme, namely God’s plans for the future of his world, often described in poet­ic lan­guage. All…