St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Sermons from 2017 (Page 3)

The Lord will provide

The Lord will provide Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Fourth Sunday after Pente­cost, 2nd. July 2017 Read­ings: Gen­es­is 22.1–14, Romans 6.12–23; Mat­thew 10.40–42. There are some parts of the Bible that I find very dif­fi­cult and I have to res­ist the tempta­tion to get out the scis­sors and quietly remove them: chapter 22 of Gen­es­is is one…

Of More Value

Of more value Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Third Sunday after Pente­cost, 25th. June 2017 Read­ing: Mat­thew 10.24–39 I won­der if you found this morning’s Gos­pel read­ing dis­turb­ing and con­front­ing. If you didn’t, then per­haps you have heard this pas­sage very often and it may have lost some of its imme­di­acy. Mat­thew 10 con­tains some of the most…

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spir­it Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Pente­cost Sunday, 4th June 2017 Read­ings: Acts 2.1–11; 1 Cor­inthi­ans 12.3–13; John 20:19–23 In June 1910, twelve hun­dred rep­res­ent­at­ives of one hun­dred and sixty mis­sion­ary soci­et­ies met togeth­er in Edin­burgh, Scot­land. The World Mis­sion­ary Con­fer­ence as it came to be called, was argu­ably the high point of…

Peace be with you

Peace be with you Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Second Sunday of East­er, 23rd. April 2017 In Vic­tor Hugo’s nov­el, Les Miser­ables, the prot­ag­on­ist, Jean Valjean, recently released from pris­on is taken in by the kindly loc­al bish­op, but he abuses the bishop’s hos­pit­al­ity by mak­ing off with some of his sil­ver. He is quickly arres­ted and brought…

He stayed two days longer

He stayed two days longer Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 5th Sunday in Lent, 2nd. April 2017 Read­ing: John 11. 1–45. “After hav­ing heard that Laz­arus was ill, Jesus stayed two days longer in the place where he was.” That is one of the hard­est verses in the New Test­a­ment. Martha, Mary and Laz­arus were all friends…