Sermons from 2016 (Page 3)

Do You See This Woman?

Do you see this woman? Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Fourth Sunday after Pente­cost, 12th June 2016 Read­ings: 1 Kings 21.1–10, 15–21; Luke 7. 36–8.3 Each of the Gos­pels has an account of Jesus being anoin­ted by a woman. While there are fea­tures com­mon to them all, there are also things that are dis­tinct­ive to each…

He had Compassion on her

He had Com­pas­sion on Her Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Third Sunday after Pente­cost, 5th June 2016 Read­ing: Luke 7.11–17. A couple of weeks ago I was asked to take a funer­al in a neigh­bour­ing par­ish (their Rect­or being unavail­able). When I vis­ited the fam­ily to dis­cuss the funer­al ser­vice I dis­covered that the deceased was…

In Other Tongues

In oth­er tongues Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Pente­cost Sunday, 15th May 2016 Read­ings: Gen­es­is 11.1–9; Acts 2.1–21 The French theo­lo­gian, Jacques Ellul, fam­ously described the city as being the focus of evil through­out human his­tory, and a clear example of humanity’s declar­a­tion of inde­pend­ence from God. The story of the Tower of Babel, our Old…

Making sense of the Ascension

ASCENSION DAY 2016 Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Sunday 8th May 2016 Read­ings: Acts 1. 1–11: Eph­esians 1.15–23; Luke 24.44–53 Stained Glass win­dows depict­ing the Ascen­sion seem to be com­mon in churches in the Sydney Dio­cese. At Hunters Hill we had an Ascen­sion win­dow in both churches. Here at St. Luke’s we have a rather fine…

Need an Advocate?

The Advoc­ate, the Holy Spir­it. Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Sixth Sunday of East­er, 1st. May 2016 Read­ings: Acts 16:9–15; Rev­el­a­tion 21:10, 21: 22–27, 22.1–5; John 14:23–29 We are just two weeks away from the Feast of Pente­cost so we should not be sur­prised that all three read­ings this morn­ing make ref­er­ence to the Holy Spir­it.…