Sermons from 2016

Are you the one?

Are you the one? Ser­mon preached at Enmore, 3rd. Sunday in Advent, 11th Decem­ber 2016 Read­ings: Isai­ah 35.1–10; Mat­thew 11.2–11; James 5. 7–10 Last week we spent some time look­ing at the char­ac­ter of John the Baptist, the man and his mis­sion. The John we met last week was con­fid­ent and fear­less, denoun­cing the wicked­ness…


Repent Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Second Sunday in Advent, 4th. Decem­ber 2016 Read­ings: Isai­ah 11.1–10; Romans 15:4–13; Mat­thew 3. 1–12 Our Gos­pel read­ing this morn­ing intro­duces us to the strange fig­ure of John the Baptist who appears sud­denly in the wil­der­ness of Judea pro­claim­ing: “Repent, for the king­dom of heav­en has come near.” I won­der…

Advent Reflection

Advent Reflec­tion Sunday 27th. Novem­ber 2016 John the Baptist is one of the import­ant fig­ures we encounter on our Advent jour­ney. All four Gos­pels record his min­istry and each of the evan­gel­ists has his own assess­ment of his role. This even­ing we have read Matthew’s account of John’s min­istry but we have also listened to…

Ready Aye Ready

Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Advent Sunday, 27th Novem­ber 2016 Read­ings: Isai­ah 2.1–5, Romans 13. 9–14, Mat­thew 24.36–44 One of my favour­ite beaches for swim­ming is North Bondi. Every time I go there I notice the motto of the North Bondi Surf Life Sav­ing Club which is writ­ten on their front wall: ‘Ready Aye Ready’. It’s…

Christ, the King

Christ, the King   Ser­mon preached at Enmore, ‘Christ the King’, Sunday before Advent, 20th. Novem­ber 2016 Read­ings: Jeremi­ah 23. 1–6, Colos­si­ans 1.11–20, Luke 23. 33–43. The feast of Christ the King is one of the new­est in the Church’s year. Estab­lished by Pope Pius xi in 1925, it was inten­ded as a state­ment about the…