John Haly

Bap­tised and con­firmed as an Anglic­an in Towns­ville and Too­woomba respect­ively, John was a former mem­ber of the Unit­ing Church in Rock­hamp­ton, a former eld­er of Swan Road Unit­ing Church in Bris­bane and a stu­dent of the Lay min­istry train­ing of Trin­ity Col­lege in St Lucia.  John briefly joined the North Shore Anglic­an church in 1992 when mov­ing to Sydney. He mar­ried Martha in 2003 in the Unit­ing Church in Bellin­gen in the only recor­ded wed­ding ser­vice held that year.  Later he joined St Lukes in 2007 after meet­ing Fath­er Gwilym to coordin­ate the pho­to­graphy and later film­ing of the Goth Hal­loween Com­mu­nion Ser­vice at St Lukes run as part of the New­town Blue Moon Festival.  His son, Chris­toph­er — born in 2008 — was bap­tised as part of the Goth Ser­vice in 2010.  John runs a film and mul­ti­me­dia busi­ness in New­town and com­menced devel­op­ment of the St Luke’s new web site at the request of Fath­er Gwilym, although it was com­pleted after Gwilym depar­ted as Min­is­ter of St Lukes. Since that time John expan­ded into Journ­al­ism writ­ing on social justice and polit­ic­al sub­jects for Inde­pend­ent Aus­tralia and Aus­trali­an Inde­pend­ent Media Net­work.