Notices_Third Sunday After Epiphany_ 23rd January 2022


Wel­come back Fr Jeff and Michelle. 


Par­ish Coun­cil meets this morn­ing after Morn­ing Tea.


Wed­nes­day 26th Janu­ary — 10.30am Wed­nes­day Ser­vice is can­celled for this week only due to Pub­lic Hol­i­day.


War­dens’ Din­ner – from 7pm on Sat­urday 12th Feb­ru­ary 2022

The War­dens’ Din­ner will take place out­doors in the car­park (which will be closed to cars).  The theme is “Under the Stars”.  Tick­ets are $20pp or $40 for a fam­ily (kids are free).  An “all you can eat” pizza din­ner will be provided, with wood fired piz­zas of diverse descrip­tions baked to order.  Soft drinks will also be provided.  While some wine and beer is expec­ted to be avail­able, BYO is encouraged.  Enter­tain­ment will be announced in due course.

See Fabi­an LoS­chiavo ASAP for tick­ets!


ST PAUL’S PANTRY needs food, health and clean­ing items: A bas­ket is in the church foy­er for donations.  Please keep your dona­tions to rel­at­ively small items like pack­ets of noodles, microwaved rice, small tins of baked beans etc these are the most needed.


Food for our worms – Now the rect­ory fam­ily has returned from leave, please leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off dur­ing the week.  (NB — no dairy, cit­rus or meat)  Fr. Jeff


Lea MacNeil has jam, con­serves, pickles and vari­ous sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her.  All pro­ceeds go to St Luke’s Par­ish.


The flowers today have been donated by Noel Jeffs in memory of Li Tim-Oi’s Anniversary on 24th Janu­ary.


For our com­munity today:  John M.; Jo Middleton; Ron­ald Naidu; Anthea, Ron, Ron­an, Veron­ica & Rohan Nath; Pau­line Newell; and Johnny Nitchareon & Eed Intapan.


Pray­ers for the sick:  Aman­da Romeo; Maria Ser­afin; Andy Ser­afin; Maryrose Crowth­er; Ruth Dodd; and Joan Dale.


Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted:  Kay Mat­thews; Frank Clarke; and Ron Buck­ing­ham.


Saints Commemoration:  24th: Com­pan­ions of Paul, includ­ing Timothy, Tit­us & Silas; 25th: Con­ver­sion of Paul the Apostle; 27th: John Chryso­stom, Bish­op of Con­stantinople, Teach­er (d.407); and 28th: Thomas Aqui­nas, theo­lo­gian (d. 1274).


Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list:  Pau­line Newell; Beth Arm­strong; Lyn Car­ring­ton; John Dick­son; Steph­en Thur­ley; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Andrew Hiro Itadani; Day­lan Sam­inath­an; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his fam­ily; Andrew Strat­golda; Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; and Noel Jeffs.


Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Monday: Kath­er­ine Old­field; Julie Olston & Phil­ippa; Fr Jeff & Michelle Park­er.

Tues­day: Ann Petersen & Rachel; Jo, Ramendra, Thomas & Lucy Raj.

Wed­nes­day: Joyce Reddy; Andrew, Rachel, Bianca, Belinda & Bryson Reddy.

Thursday: Eddie, Susan, Stephanie, Edwin, Leil­ani & Car­men Reddy.

Fri­day: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pas­tor­al care min­istry at Bank­stown Hos­pit­al and all those he min­is­ters to.

Sat­urday: Dear lov­ing Fath­er, please deliv­er us from the coronavir­us and lim­it its impact on Aus­tralia and the world. In your mercy bring a swift end to this crisis.  Please pro­tect with your lov­ing care those we love — our fam­il­ies, friends and neighbours.  Let your fath­erly hand guide, shel­ter and strengthen them.  Cast out all anxious fears and doubts.  Give us an increas­ing trust in you and fill our hearts and minds with your peace.  We pray for those around the world now strug­gling with vari­ous COVID stains.  Heal and com­fort those who are sick and suffering.  Pro­tect and guide the health pro­fes­sion­als who are at the front line.  Please give wis­dom and cour­age to those who bear respons­ib­il­ity for con­front­ing this chal­lenge. We ask these things through the power­ful name of Jesus.  Amen.


Read­ings for Next Sunday: Cel­eb­ra­tion of Aus­tralia

First Read­ing: Jeremi­ah 29.4–14                         Psalm: 33.12–31

Second Read­ing: 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 5.12–24          Gos­pel: John 8.31–36