Welcome to any visitors with us today. Please join us for morning tea.
Tuesday Night Bible Study at 7.30pm: At Fr Philip Bradford’s place 5 Lincoln St, Stanmore. We are continuing the Book of Genesis. Bring a bible. All welcome.
Saturday 15th February at 5pm – St James’ International Organ Festival:Â
Award-winning British-Australian Organist, Joseph Nolan.
St James’ Church.
Tickets: General $40/Concession $35/ Student $10/ Kids Free.
Sunday 16th February – Parish Council Meets in the church after the 9.30am service and morning tea.
Monday 3rd March at 10am — Memorial mass for Hiro Andrew Itadani
There will be a memorial mass for Hiro in the St Luke’s chapel at 10 am, Monday, 3rd March. Hiro was a parishioner at St Luke’s during Fr Mike Nixon’s rectorship and often played the organ. Hiro left the parish for work in Cairns and then returned to Japan when he died of a stroke in July, 2021. The reason for the time gap between Hiro’s death and the memorial mass is that, when communication ceased between Hiro and his friends, it took the Pastoral Care Committee some time to ascertain what had happened to Hiro.
Dates for your diary:
Sun 2nd March – Feast of the Transfiguration/ Last Sunday After Epiphany.
Tue 4th March – Shrove Tuesday – Pancakes Day.
Wed 5th March — Ash Wednesday.
Sun 9th March – First Sunday in Lent.
Sunday 16th March – AGM.
Sun 13th April — Palm Sunday.
Thurs 17th April — Maundy Thursday.
Fri 18th April — Good Friday.
Sun 20th April — Easter Day.
Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May – Parish Retreat at old Monastery, Stroud.
Copies of Janet Walmsley’s book “When Hope Came†are now available for $40. Proceeds go to The Leprosy Mission. Please see Janet if you are interested in purchasing a copy.
Copies of Fr Jeff’s Sunday Sermons are made available in the church foyer each Sunday for those who would like to take a copy. Back copies are also available upon request.
If you would like a home or hospital visit from Fr Jeff for any reason, please contact him on his Mob: 0409 719 927
ST PAULS PANTRY needs food, health and cleaning items: A basket is in the church foyer for donations.
Food for our worms – Leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off during the week. Please remember to remove the strings from your teabags. (N.B. — no dairy, citrus, onions or meat).
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday:Â Joseph, Esther, Joyti & Joshlyn Kumar; Geoff Lindsay & Mandy Tibbey; and Lea McNeil & Donald Thomas.
Monday: Evelyn Maack; Jennifer McGovern; and John M.
Tuesday: Pamela Naple; Fran Neilson; and Katherine Oldfield.
Wednesday: Julie Olston & Philippa; and Fr Jeff & Michelle Parker.
Thursday: Andrew Patterson; Meaghan Patterson; Ann Petersen & Rachel.
Friday: We pray for pastoral care ministry teams at all Hospitals and all those who are ministered to.
Saturday: Almighty God, we pray for those in areas of conflict. We pray for healing and good medical care for those who have been injured. For those who have lost homes and possessions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shelter and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones. And bless all who are helping those impacted. Amen.
Prayers for the sick:Â Bp Ron Williams, Lyn Carrington; Lea MacNeil; Andy Serafin; John Bowen (Priest); Maureen Byers; Alex Regos; Helen Woellner; Lilac Johnston; Douglas Johnston; Susie Brooks; Sarah; Marion Maddox; Max Woods (Priest); Jane Edwards; Chris; Fred Blake; Mel Kewley; Alex Naple; Jonathon & Joshua; Jackie Chaffo; and Craig.
Anniversaries of the Departed: Kevin Saunders; Robert Emmenegger; Francie Fielder; James Hagston; and Muriel Blatch.
Saints Commemoration: 14th: Cyril and Methodius, Bishop – missionaries to the Slavs.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Mike Nixon (Priest); Simone Crowther; Karen Steiner-Hill; Nalini MacIntyre; Christine Kondratenko; John Bunyan (Priest); Margaret Chiew; Gerald Grant; Barbara Raymond; Janet Walmsley; Ray Sommer; John Hardy; Barbara Allen; Marissa & Meg Maack, Jude, Isla, & Al Donnell; Noel Jeffs; Michael Aiken; Sabitri Thapa; Joel Thapa; and Robert & Lyndall Dubler.
Readings for Next Sunday – Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
First Reading: Jeremiah 17.5–10 Psalm: 1
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15.12–20 Gospel: Luke 6.17–26
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