Welcome to any visitors with us today. Please join us for our morning tea.
TODAY –100th Anniversary of St Luke’s Rectory:
Please join us in the rectory for a BBQ after the 9.30am service and morning tea to celebrate the Rectory’s 100th Birthday. All welcome!
Sausages, onions, bread rolls and some soft drinks provided. BYO choice of soft or alcoholic drinks.
(*Please note: St Luke’s promotes the responsible consumption of alcohol)
Let’s celebrate!
7.30 pm — Tuesday Night Bible Study at Fr Philip’s home, 5 Lincoln St Stanmore. All welcome. The study is currently on the book of Gensis.  Please bring a bible.
Copies of Fr Jeff’s Sunday Sermons are made available in the church foyer each Sunday for those who would like to take a copy.
If you would like a home or hospital visit from Fr Jeff for any reason, please contact him on his Mob: 0409 719 927
Saturday 31st August @ 6 for 6.30pm – Men’s Night Out (MNO): The next MNO will be held at the Bangkok Bowl, 195 Enmore Road, Enmore.  Please see Kevin Green for more details or Mob: 0405 691 055
2024 St James’ International Organ Festival: *Sunday 1st September @ 5.30pm.  Featuring: Fr Daniel Dries (Rector, Christ Church St Lawrence); David Drury (Former Director of Music at St James’); Peter Jewkes (Former Organist of St James’); and Andrej Kouznetsov (Assistant Director Music, St John’s Cathedral Brisbane).  Held at St James’ Church, 173 King Street , Sydney.  Ticket available at cost – In Person or livestream.  Visit
Wednesday 4th Sept at 3.30pm — Meet the Rt Rev Reginald Makele, Bishop of the New Guinea Islands:
ABM invites you to come and meet the Bishop of the New Guinea Islands, Reginald Makele. Â Â Hear first-hand the good news stories about how God is working in his diocese. Â Bishop Reg will be interviewed at the informal gathering and there will be opportunity for questions to be asked.
Venue: ABM Offices, Level 6, 51 Druitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Please RSVP for catering purposes to or call 9264 1021 by Friday 30 August.
Saturday 7th Sept at 11am – ABM Feast of the Commemoration of the New Guinea Martyrs Service here at St Luke’s.
The Eucharist will be celebrated by Fr Jeff Parker (Rector) and followed by a light lunch in the Hall.
Speakers:Â We will welcome the Bishop of the New Guinea Islands, the Rt Revd Reginald Makele, & Robert McLean from ABM.Â
RSVP to Parish Office by 28th Aug 2024.
Saturday 14th September — Local Council Elections
Our hall will be a polling place for the Local Council Elections.
A BBQ will be provided in the carpark on the day by Eddie Reddy and helpers. If you would like to volunteer to help with the BBQ please put your name on the list in the hall.
Come along and enjoy a democracy sausage or two.
Sunday 29th Sept at 12pm — Myanmar Lunch
Following 9.30am service, and tea/coffee.
Come and enjoy authentic Myanmar food with wine or fruit juice.
(*Please note: St Luke’s promotes the responsible consumption of Alcohol)
100% of donations go to the ABM Myanmar Clean Water Project.
RSVP to the Parish Office by 18th Sept 2024
Saturday 26th October – Annual Sydney MOW Meeting at 2.30pm
Sunday 27th October – St Luke’s Patronal Festival. (Our Guest Speaker will be Bp Genieve Blackwell).
Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th November – MOW Conference in Brisbane.
Saturday 7th December – St Luke’s Christmas Market — 9am to 2 pm
2025 Australian Anglican Church Calendar:  This 2025 edition includes all the minor Feast days, festivals, and Australian.  Available now to purchase online from St Peter’s Book room  for $16.50 each (GST included) plus postage costs.  Or see Jennifer for a printed order form.
ST PAUL’S PANTRY needs food, health and cleaning items: A basket is in the church foyer for donations.
Lea MacNeil has jam, conserves, pickles and various sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her.  All proceeds go to St Luke’s Parish.
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday: Ann Petersen & Rachel; Rick Prately & Simon; Jo, Ramendra, Thomas & Lucy Raj; and Matilda Rinker.
Monday: Joyce, Andrew, Rachel, Bianca, Belinda & Bryson Reddy.
Tuesday: Eddie, Susan, Stephanie, Edwin, Leilani & Carmen Reddy.
Wednesday: John Reimer; Grahame Sadler; and Rajah Selvarajah & Greg.
Thursday: Peter Seymour; Andy Serafin & Colin; and Louisa Silverman.
Friday: We pray for pastoral care ministry teams at all Hospitals and all those who are ministered to.
Saturday: Almighty God, we pray for those in areas of conflict. We pray for healing and good medical care for those who have been injured. For those who have lost homes and possessions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shelter and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones. And bless all who are helping those impacted. Amen.
Prayers for the sick: John Bowen (Priest); Ron; Ruth Champion; Nalini MacIntyre; Simone Crowther; Alex Regos; Ruth Dodd; Helen Woellner; Douglas Johnston; Susie Brooks; Sarah; Marion Maddox; Delia Bone; Lana MacPherson; Karen Steiner-Hill; Andrew; Sabitri Thapa; Joel Thapa; and Daylan Saminathan.
Recently Departed: Elaine Peterson.
Anniversaries of the Departed: Clarrie Cregan; and Jane Harker.
Saints Commemoration: 27th: Monica, mother of Augustine (d. 387); 28th: Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and teacher (d. 430); 29th: Beheading of John the Baptist; and 31st: Aidan of Lindisfarne, Bishop and missionary (d. 651); & John Bunyan, Preacher and spiritual writer (d. 1688).
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Christine Kondratenko; John Bunyan (Priest); Margaret Chiew; Gerald Grant; Barbara Raymond; Janet Walmsley; Andy Serafin; Florence Shellard; Ray Sommer; John Hardy; Lyn Carrington; Barbara Allen; Marissa & Meg Maack, Jude, Isla, & Al Donnell; Laurie McIntyre; Noel Jeffs; Laurie Bestel; Robert Gibbs; and Michael Aiken.
Readings for Next Sunday – 15th Sunday After Pentecost
First Reading: Song of Songs 2.8–13Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Psalm: 45.1–2, 6–9
Second Reading: James 1.17–27Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Gospel: Mark 7.1–8, 14–23
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