Notices Sunday 25 August 2019

A Spe­cial wel­come to Bp Michael, our Region­al Bish­op and Preach­er today.  Wel­come too to any vis­it­ors and please join us in the hall for hos­pit­al­ity.

This after­noon 25 August - Sound­ings ‑ 3.30 pm at All Saint­s’ Hunters hill.  Guest speak­er is Dr Jac­queline Ser­vice, who will speak on “Why Dance Alone? A con­ver­sa­tion on “Human­ity”, “Inter­na­tion­al Aid”, “God” and “Us”.  It’s sure to be a great top­ic, and Jac­queline is a won­der­ful speak­er.

Wed­nes­day 28th August – The Women’s Read­ing Group meets at Pau­line Newell’s place at 7.30pm.

Cinema Para­diso excur­sion: — Thursday, 5 Septem­ber 2019 at 7pm ‑ Film: Spe­cial screen­ing of The Sul­tan and the Saint.  Cinema: Events Cinema West­field Par­ra­mat­ta  Tickets:  $12.  Book­ings: Online only .  In 1219 at the height of the Fifth Cru­sade, St Fran­cis of Assisi crossed the battle­lines to meet Sul­tan Malik al-Kamil of Egypt. In light of the recent hap­pen­ings in Christ­ch­urch, Sri Lanka, the United States and Clar­ence Street, this timely film will pro­voke us to see how inter­faith rela­tion­ships can be built to make peace in the world. Please check it online or refer to the fly­er in the narthex and the hall for more inform­a­tion.

Cel­eb­ra­tion of PNG Mar­tyrs — ABM will be cel­eb­rat­ing the life and supreme wit­ness of the Anglic­an New Guinea Mar­tyrs at 11am on Sat­urday 7th Septem­ber 2019, at St Paul’s Anglic­an Church Burwood.  Pick up a fly­er for more inform­a­tion.

Sat­urday 14th Septem­ber — Men’s Night Out ‑ Da Lanna Thai Res­taur­ant  220 Addis­on Road Mar­rick­ville on.  6.00 for 6.30 pm. BYO.  Phone 9569 4709 for more details.

Next Long Table Din­ner – Thursday 19th Septem­ber  ‑   Kafenes Greek Res­taur­ant, Enmore.  Speak to Brett or email:

Valu­ation of the organ – The Par­ish Coun­cil recently sought a valu­ation of our Wordsworth and Maskell Organ (impor­ted from Leeds in 1883) fol­low­ing the com­ple­tion of the re-diaper­ing last year. James Peet, a retired quant­ity sur­vey­or and organ­ist with a vast exper­i­ence in Dio­ces­an insur­ance valu­ation work and also with Sydney City Coun­cil, was invited to provide the valu­ation. Thank you to Kathy Drum­mond for organ­ising this and James Peet has val­ued the organ at $429,000 for asset and replace­ment value. Of course, to us it’s price­less!

On the First Sunday of the Month we hold a low-key pray­er ser­vice in the chapel.  Peter Sey­mour leads the wor­ship and gives a very inform­at­ive (but short) talk and then those present usu­ally head off to a loc­al café for some dinner.  If you would like to be part of this, mark­down 5.00 p.m. in your diary – first Sunday of the Month.

Our Play Group for carers of young chil­dren is con­tinu­ing in the hall Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon.  Please let oth­ers know about this group.

Homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles and jam — If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to Opshop.

Any notices for the ser­vice book­let will need to be sub­mit­ted to the Par­ish Office email by Wed­nes­day even­ing at the latest.

Read­ings for the com­ing week and next Sunday:


Monday 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 1.1–5 Psalm 149.1–5 Mat­thew 23.13–22
Tues­day 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 2.1–8 Psalm 139.1–5 Mat­thew 23.23–26
Wed­nes­day 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 2.9–13 Psalm 139.6–11 Mat­thew 23.27–32
Thursday 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 3.7–13 Psalm 90.11–17 Mat­thew 24.42–51
Fri­day 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 4.1–8 Psalm 97.6–12 Mat­thew 25.1–13
Sat­urday 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 4.9–12 Psalm 98 Mat­thew 25.14–30


Read­ings for Next Sunday 1 Septem­ber – Twelfth Sunday after Pente­cost.

First Read­ing: Jeremi­ah 2.4–13                     Psalm: 81.1, 10–16

Second Read­ing: Hebrews 13.1–8,15–16        Gos­pel: Luke 14.1, 7–14