Notices — Second Sunday in Lent — 8th March


Today: Church Warden’s meet­ing after morn­ing tea.

Today: Taizéin South­ern Sydney – Sunday 8th March at 4pm: All wel­come to Taizé Pray­ers at St Mark’s South Hurstville, The Mall, South Hurstville.  A quarterly Ecu­men­ic­al gath­er­ing with songs, read­ings, silence and pray­er.  Enquir­ies Bruce Cooke Mob: 0412 680 430 or

No Handshaking Symbol

PLEASE AVOID HANDSHAKING — On advice from the NSW Health Min­is­ter this week I believe we should avoid hand­shak­ing at the Greet­ing of Peace and also at the begin­ning and end of the ser­vice.   This is aimed at slow­ing the spread of the Cov­id-19 vir­us.

This might seem an over-reac­tion to some of our mem­bers but it is a health meas­ure that we can take at this stage and is in everyone’s interest.  So please, wave to each oth­er, bow in acknow­ledge­ment or LOOK at each oth­er and smile – but avoid hand-to-hand con­tact.

Also please note, the hand san­it­iser dis­penser will remain at the rear of the church near the bap­tis­mal font for all to use at any time, and instruc­tions on hand­wash­ing are dis­played in our restrooms.  The cel­eb­rant (priest) and all who admin­is­ter the com­mu­nion always use hand san­it­iser dir­ectly before admin­is­ter­ing com­mu­nion.

The health min­is­ter also recom­men­ded people “exer­cise care and cau­tion” when under­tak­ing oth­er activ­it­ies, such as kiss­ing.

“Saying Hi” – Have you ever felt left out or alone in a crowd?  Some­times there are people amongst us, often new­comers (but not always) left on their own at morn­ing tea after the ser­vice or in our pews on Sunday.   This is not what our church is about.  We want to wel­come every­one who comes to St Lukes’ and help them to feel the love of God while they are among us.  So look around on Sundays, or whenev­er you are at Church, and if someone is on their own, say “Hi!” and offer to help or just chat.  This is how people come into a church, through feel­ing wel­come and val­ued.   From com­ments this week, we can do bet­ter at this.  Fr. Jeff

Con­firm­a­tion — Sunday 23rd August: Bp Michael Stead will be here for con­firm­a­tion.  Any­one who is not con­firmed is invited to go through the pro­cess of pre­par­a­tion with Fr Jeff.  Please speak to Fr Jeff about this.

Len­ten stud­ies – The 7.30 pm Monday even­ing study at the Rect­ory has been rein­stated.  YOU are wel­come to attend then or on Wed­nes­day (fol­low­ing service/morning tea).

Next Men’s Night Out: 21st March – 6 for 6.30pm

Ven­ue: Alberto’s Pizzer­ia, 589 King Street, New­town

See Kev­in Green for more inform­a­tion.

Palm Cross Mak­ing – Sunday 22nd March after morn­ing tea.  Keep the date.

Blayney Week­end is planned for 28/29 March – please make a note in your diary if you are inter­ested – book and pay for your own accom­mod­a­tion – more inform­a­tion later.  We real­ise this is the week­end of the organ recit­al and we will need to be quick depart­ing after the morn­ing ser­vice to get back for it!!  Each year we take a gift of 2 Paschal Candles for Blayney and Milthorpe. 

Australian organist, David Reccia Chynoweth
Dav­id Rec­cia Chynoweth

Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recit­al – Sunday, 29th Mar 2020 at 3pm: From Vienna to Enmore, accom­plished young Aus­trali­an organ­ist, Dav­id Rec­cia Chynoweth, per­forms works by J S Bach, Graeme Koehne and oth­ers on the 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ here at St Luke’s Anglic­an Church.  This will be his only per­form­ance in Sydney this year.  Our her­it­age-lis­ted organ, con­sidered power­ful for its size, is a unique example of its kind in Aus­tralia.  This is its inaug­ur­al recit­al fol­low­ing the com­plete res­tor­a­tion of the instru­ment to its ori­gin­al high Vic­tori­an glory.  Cost:  $15 ($10 con­ces­sion) includ­ing pro­gramme notes.

Email received by Andy and Ruth who send the $500 dona­tion each quarter to St Paul’s Bur­wood, from the Opshop pro­ceeds.

I am most grate­ful to you and to all at the St. Luke’s Oppor­tun­ity Shop for your kind­ness in think­ing of those in need. The demand for help from the Par­ish Pantry grows every week and by God’s grace and the help of good friends such as the St. Luke’s Oppor­tun­ity Shop we are able to care for every­one who comes for assist­ance. Can you please thank the St. Luke’s Oppor­tun­ity Shop Com­mit­tee on my behalf for their kind­ness and gen­er­os­ity? Thank you. We hold our fra­gile and broken world in our pray­ers and we pray for the heal­ing of our world. May Lent be a time when we all turn to God in humil­ity and seek to love our neigh­bour as ourselves. With my love and thanks and with every bless­ing for a holy Lent. Peace, James.

Play Group @ Enmore – has been sus­pen­ded until the cur­rent health crisis is under control.  For inform­a­tion phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390.

Our Gour­met Cook and pre­vi­ous Pas­tor­al Care Work­er in Leura, Lea MacNeil, makes and sells homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles, pre­serves and jams- If you would like to order some, please email your order to her ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop.  Also, any clean jars would be appre­ci­ated – lids not neces­sary.  Ruth can take jars to Lea occa­sion­ally, as many of you know Lea doesn’t drive and lug­ging jars home in a back­pack on a train is heavy going!  Please leave your jars in the box provided at the bot­tom of the stairs to the Office.

Trinity Solute by Miriam Cabello
Trin­ity Solute by Miri­am Cabello

St Lukes’ will soon host a won­der­ful art­work by acclaimed Sydney artist, Miri­am Cabello, entitled “Trin­ity Salute”.  This depicts the water­shed moment at the 1968 Mex­ico Olympics when Aus­trali­an ath­lete and 800m sil­ver medal­list, Peter Nor­man stood in solid­ar­ity with Amer­ic­ans Tommy Smith and John Car­los.  The Amer­ic­ans raise their fists in a call for human rights and justice for all, spe­cific­ally for the Afric­an Amer­ic­an com­munity.  Fol­low­ing his stance of sup­port for this cause Peter Nor­man, was side­lined by the ath­let­ic hier­archy in Aus­tralia and was not even recog­nised at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Human rights and justice for all is a core value of St Lukes and of the gos­pel and the Par­ish Coun­cil was unan­im­ous in its decision to receive this paint­ing.   There will be a form­al launch­ing of the hanging of the paint­ing in its new home of St Lukes at a time to be advised.

Read­ings for the com­ing week:

Monday Daniel 9.4–10 Psalm 79.8–13 Luke 6.36–38
Tues­day Isai­ah 1.10, 16–20 Psalm 50.16–22 Math­ew 23.1–12
Wed­nes­day Jeremi­ah 18.18–20 Psalm 31.1–5 Math­ew 20.17–28
Thursday Jeremi­ah 17.5–10 Psalm 1 Luke 16.19–31
Fri­day Gen­es­is 37.3–5, 12–13, 17–28 Psalm 105.16–22 Math­ew 21.33–46
Sat­urday Micah 7.14–15, 18–20 Psalm 103.1–5 Luke 15.1–3, 22–32

Read­ings for Next Sunday — Third Sunday in Lent: First Read­ing: Exodus 17.1–7;  Psalm: 95;  Second Read­ing: Romans 5.1–11;  & Gos­pel: John 4.5–42

Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity: Monday: John Haly, Martha Knox-Haly & Chris­toph­er; Ray­mond Hesle­hurst; Tues­day: Moya Holle; Anne Hywood & Peter Tre­gil­gas; Diana Jef­fer­ies; Wed­nes­day: Noel Jeffs; Eddy Kit­tir­at, Mint, Atom & Arty; Thursday: Joseph, Joyti, Esth­er & Joshlyn Kumar; Fri­day: Geoff Lind­say & Mandy Tib­bey; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; John Lo.; & Sat­urday: Evelyn Maack; Don­ald Thomas & Lea MacNeil; Jen­nifer McGov­ern.

Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Andrew Reddy; Jen­nifer B.; Rose­mary Brad­ford; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Ann Jeffs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Gary & Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Pau­line Newell; Bar­bara Beec­roft; Sr Eliza­beth (SSC); Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Con­nolly; the Per­kins Fam­ily; Fr Peter Carls­son; Day­alan Sam­inath­an; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Vic­tor Any­ar­isi; Baby Anaisha, & her par­ents Anu & Digvi­jay; Robert & Lyn­dall; Kit & Ben; Hiro Itadini; and Br Wil­li­am (SSF).