Today: Church Warden’s meeting after morning tea.
Today: Taizéin Southern Sydney – Sunday 8th March at 4pm: All welcome to Taizé Prayers at St Mark’s South Hurstville, The Mall, South Hurstville. A quarterly Ecumenical gathering with songs, readings, silence and prayer. Enquiries Bruce Cooke Mob: 0412 680 430 or

PLEASE AVOID HANDSHAKING — On advice from the NSW Health Minister this week I believe we should avoid handshaking at the Greeting of Peace and also at the beginning and end of the service. This is aimed at slowing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
This might seem an over-reaction to some of our members but it is a health measure that we can take at this stage and is in everyone’s interest. So please, wave to each other, bow in acknowledgement or LOOK at each other and smile – but avoid hand-to-hand contact.
Also please note, the hand sanitiser dispenser will remain at the rear of the church near the baptismal font for all to use at any time, and instructions on handwashing are displayed in our restrooms. The celebrant (priest) and all who administer the communion always use hand sanitiser directly before administering communion.
The health minister also recommended people “exercise care and caution” when undertaking other activities, such as kissing.
“Saying Hi†– Have you ever felt left out or alone in a crowd? Sometimes there are people amongst us, often newcomers (but not always) left on their own at morning tea after the service or in our pews on Sunday. This is not what our church is about. We want to welcome everyone who comes to St Lukes’ and help them to feel the love of God while they are among us. So look around on Sundays, or whenever you are at Church, and if someone is on their own, say “Hi!†and offer to help or just chat. This is how people come into a church, through feeling welcome and valued. From comments this week, we can do better at this. Fr. Jeff
Confirmation — Sunday 23rd August: Bp Michael Stead will be here for confirmation. Anyone who is not confirmed is invited to go through the process of preparation with Fr Jeff. Please speak to Fr Jeff about this.
Lenten studies – The 7.30 pm Monday evening study at the Rectory has been reinstated. YOU are welcome to attend then or on Wednesday (following service/morning tea).
Next Men’s Night Out: 21st March – 6 for 6.30pm
Venue: Alberto’s Pizzeria, 589 King Street, Newtown
See Kevin Green for more information.
Palm Cross Making – Sunday 22nd March after morning tea. Keep the date.
Blayney Weekend is planned for 28/29 March – please make a note in your diary if you are interested – book and pay for your own accommodation – more information later. We realise this is the weekend of the organ recital and we will need to be quick departing after the morning service to get back for it!! Each year we take a gift of 2 Paschal Candles for Blayney and Milthorpe.

Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recital – Sunday, 29th Mar 2020 at 3pm: From Vienna to Enmore, accomplished young Australian organist, David Reccia Chynoweth, performs works by J S Bach, Graeme Koehne and others on the 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ here at St Luke’s Anglican Church. This will be his only performance in Sydney this year. Our heritage-listed organ, considered powerful for its size, is a unique example of its kind in Australia. This is its inaugural recital following the complete restoration of the instrument to its original high Victorian glory. Cost: $15 ($10 concession) including programme notes.
Email received by Andy and Ruth who send the $500 donation each quarter to St Paul’s Burwood, from the Opshop proceeds.
I am most grateful to you and to all at the St. Luke’s Opportunity Shop for your kindness in thinking of those in need. The demand for help from the Parish Pantry grows every week and by God’s grace and the help of good friends such as the St. Luke’s Opportunity Shop we are able to care for everyone who comes for assistance. Can you please thank the St. Luke’s Opportunity Shop Committee on my behalf for their kindness and generosity? Thank you. We hold our fragile and broken world in our prayers and we pray for the healing of our world. May Lent be a time when we all turn to God in humility and seek to love our neighbour as ourselves. With my love and thanks and with every blessing for a holy Lent. Peace, James.
Play Group @ Enmore – has been suspended until the current health crisis is under control. For information phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390.
Our Gourmet Cook and previous Pastoral Care Worker in Leura, Lea MacNeil, makes and sells homemade curds, relishes, pickles, preserves and jams- If you would like to order some, please email your order to her ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop. Also, any clean jars would be appreciated – lids not necessary. Ruth can take jars to Lea occasionally, as many of you know Lea doesn’t drive and lugging jars home in a backpack on a train is heavy going! Please leave your jars in the box provided at the bottom of the stairs to the Office.

St Lukes’ will soon host a wonderful artwork by acclaimed Sydney artist, Miriam Cabello, entitled “Trinity Salute”. This depicts the watershed moment at the 1968 Mexico Olympics when Australian athlete and 800m silver medallist, Peter Norman stood in solidarity with Americans Tommy Smith and John Carlos. The Americans raise their fists in a call for human rights and justice for all, specifically for the African American community. Following his stance of support for this cause Peter Norman, was sidelined by the athletic hierarchy in Australia and was not even recognised at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Human rights and justice for all is a core value of St Lukes and of the gospel and the Parish Council was unanimous in its decision to receive this painting. There will be a formal launching of the hanging of the painting in its new home of St Lukes at a time to be advised.
Readings for the coming week:
Monday | Daniel 9.4–10 | Psalm 79.8–13 | Luke 6.36–38 |
Tuesday | Isaiah 1.10, 16–20 | Psalm 50.16–22 | Mathew 23.1–12 |
Wednesday | Jeremiah 18.18–20 | Psalm 31.1–5 | Mathew 20.17–28 |
Thursday | Jeremiah 17.5–10 | Psalm 1 | Luke 16.19–31 |
Friday | Genesis 37.3–5, 12–13, 17–28 | Psalm 105.16–22 | Mathew 21.33–46 |
Saturday | Micah 7.14–15, 18–20 | Psalm 103.1–5 | Luke 15.1–3, 22–32 |
Readings for Next Sunday — Third Sunday in Lent: First Reading: Exodus 17.1–7; Psalm: 95; Second Reading: Romans 5.1–11; & Gospel: John 4.5–42
Weekly Intercessions for our Community: Monday: John Haly, Martha Knox-Haly & Christopher; Raymond Heslehurst; Tuesday: Moya Holle; Anne Hywood & Peter Tregilgas; Diana Jefferies; Wednesday: Noel Jeffs; Eddy Kittirat, Mint, Atom & Arty; Thursday: Joseph, Joyti, Esther & Joshlyn Kumar; Friday: Geoff Lindsay & Mandy Tibbey; Fabian LoSchiavo; John Lo.; & Saturday: Evelyn Maack; Donald Thomas & Lea MacNeil; Jennifer McGovern.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Andrew Reddy; Jennifer B.; Rosemary Bradford; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Lyn Carrington; Ruth Champion; Gary & Karen Steiner-Hill; Kenneth Barongo; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Sr Elizabeth (SSC); Lochlan Lonesborough; Ann Connolly; the Perkins Family; Fr Peter Carlsson; Dayalan Saminathan; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Victor Anyarisi; Baby Anaisha, & her parents Anu & Digvijay; Robert & Lyndall; Kit & Ben; Hiro Itadini; and Br William (SSF).
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