St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Notices 3 Nov 2019 — All Saints


Happy Birth­day to Stu­art Veitch; Laurence Bur­ton-Veitch; John M.; Kay Younie; Geoff Lind­say; Ron­an Nath; Oscar Dav­is; Noel Jeffs; Dav­id Dun­lop; Les Car­ring­ton; Ellen­or Flem­ing; Michael Flem­ing; Janet Walms­ley; and Milly Clarke.

Today: Even­ing Pray­er at 6pm.  It would be great if you could come along and pray at this time in a dif­fer­ent, less form­al set­ting.  Those present usu­ally head off to a loc­al café for some din­ner afterwards.

St Paul’s Bur­wood Pantry — Nov 2019.  Every quarter we give a dona­tion from the OpShop to St Paul’s pantry to provide for neces­sit­ies that are gen­er­ally not giv­en as dona­tions.  The Par­ish Coun­cil decided that on the next two Sundays of Novem­ber we would ask parish­ion­ers to bring a can or two of food that we as a par­ish could donate to the pantry.  A bas­ket will be placed in the foy­er to receive your dona­tions. Thank you. 

Dona­tions are reques­ted for: Angli­care ‘Toys’n’Tucker’ and ‘Stan­more Nurs­ing Home’ for Christ­mas Gifts.  If you would like to donate money, please place it in one of the envel­opes provided in the foy­er.  Your dona­tions can also be placed in the Church Account by Dir­ect Cred­it with ‘Toys’n’Tucker’ or ‘Stan­more Nurs­ing Home’ as the ref­er­ence.  Thank you.

Christ­mas cards ($10 per pack) and 2019 Lec­tion­ar­ies ($15 each)now avail­able from the Par­ish Resource Centre.  Please see the Man­ager, Stephan Gates dur­ing Morn­ing tea.

Thursday 14th Novem­ber – Last Long Table Din­ner for 2019:  Will be held 6 for 6.30pm to 9pm.  Note change of ven­ue to De Lanna Thai Street Cuisine, 220 Addis­on Road, Mar­rick­ville.  RSVP: by Fri­day, 8 Novem­ber 2019 if you know you can make it, via email to:

Sat­urday 23 Novem­ber — The final Men’s Night Out for 2019:  will be held 6 for 6.30 pm at St George Row­ing Club, 1 Levey Street, Wolli Creek.  For more inform­a­tion please con­tact Kev­in Green on Phone: 8065 1657.

Sat­urday 30 Novem­ber — Fr Jeff cel­eb­rates 25 years of priest­hood.  There will be a party at the Rect­ory to which you are warmly invited.   Begins 6.30 p.m.  There will be food and drink, but if you would like to bring some­thing addi­tion­al that would be appreciated.

7th Decem­ber – St Luke’s Mini Mar­ket:  To be held out­side the OpShop – between 10 am & 2.30 pm.  Some cakes, plants, pre­serves, curds, pickles and jams for sale. 

Please be mind­ful of the Sunday School — The Sunday School struggles some­times to deal with the noise in the Par­ish Hall.  Please be mind­ful if you are in the hall dur­ing wor­ship (not sure why that would be the case) to keep any noisy con­ver­sa­tion to a min­im­um.   The kids and the Sunday School teach­ers will appre­ci­ate that greatly.

Food for our little friends — Don’t for­get to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peel­ings, tea leaves and cof­fee grounds for the par­ish worm farms.  (No cit­rus dairy or meat).  Meth­ane comes from rot­ting food scraps put into land­fill. Accord­ing to sci­ent­ists, meth­ane traps up to 100 times more heat in the atmo­sphere than car­bon diox­ide.  Using worms like this reduces meth­ane pro­duc­tion.  So, our mod­est envir­on­ment­al ini­ti­at­ive is actu­ally very powerful.

Our Play Group – For carers of young chil­dren is con­tinu­ing in the hall Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon.  Please let oth­ers know about this group.

Homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles and jam - If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop.

Any notices for the ser­vice book­let will need to be sub­mit­ted to the Par­ish Office email by Wed­nes­day even­ing at the latest.

Read­ings for the com­ing week:

Monday Romans 11.29–36 Psalm 69.31–38 Luke 14.12–14
Tues­day Romans 12.5–16a Psalm 131  Luke 14.15–24
Wed­nes­day Romans 13.8–10 Psalm 112.1–6 Luke 14.25–33
Thursday Romans 14.7–12 Psalm 27.11–14 Luke 15.1–10
Fri­day Romans 15.14–21 Psalm 98.1–4 Luke 16.1–8
Sat­urday Romans 16.1–5, 16–27 Psalm 145.1–9 Luke 16.9–15

Read­ings for Next Sunday:  First Read­ing: Hag­gai 1.15b‑2.9; Psalm: 145.1–5,17–21; Second Read­ing: 2 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 2.1–5, 13–17; and        Gos­pel: Luke 20.27–40.

Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:  Monday: Janet Wid­mer & Cliff; Sally Woell­ner; and Kay & Nata­shia Younie;  Tues­day: Amelia Zea; Shir­ley & Bar­bara Allen; and Vic­tor Any­ar­isi;  Wed­nes­day: Beth Armstrong;James, Elli­ot & Harry Barnes; and Ian Barnett;  Thursday: Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Cyn­thia Berke­mei­er; and Peter, Jen­nifer, Elise & Blake B;  Fri­day: Mervyn Bish­op; Fr Philip & Rose­mary Brad­ford; Chris Brooks & Mar­tin; and Sat­urday: We pray for all whose lives and pos­ses­sions are threatened by or have been des­troyed by bush­fires or extreme drought.  That they will be com­for­ted, sup­por­ted and sus­tained in their time of need. 

Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Rose­mary Brad­ford; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Ann Jeffs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Gary & Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Pau­line Newell; Bar­bara Beec­roft; Ron­an & Veron­ica Nath; Geoff Wid­mer; Sr Eliza­beth (SSC); Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Con­nolly; Mea­ghan Pat­ter­son; Saf­fron Pow­ell; the Per­kins Fam­ily; Fr Peter Carls­son; Bee Heng Soh; and Day­alan Saminathan.

From Matt Skin­ner on the Feast of All Saints [Pro­fess­or of New Test­a­ment Luth­er Sem­in­ary St. Paul, Minn] 

Saints come in many vari­et­ies, but in Luke’s Ser­mon on the Plain Jesus focuses on cer­tain kinds who receive his atten­tion through­out his min­istry: the poor, the hungry, the cry­ing, and the hated or ostra­cized.  All of those people, he prom­ises, are “blessed” (makari­os in Greek).  Blessed and woe.  “Blessed” has become a very churchy word with little mean­ing for most people. “Happy” is anoth­er com­mon trans­la­tion of makari­os, but that word has grown too small in con­tem­por­ary usage, I fear.  Think of makari­os as “unburdened” or “sat­is­fied.”  Jesus also addresses people who are the oppos­ite of the first groups: the wealthy, the sati­ated, the laugh­ing, and the acclaimed.  To all of these he cries out, “Woe!”  In this con­text, “woe” func­tions as a sharp con­trast to “blessed,” yet the Greek word ouai does not mean “cursed” or “unhappy.”  Cer­tainly not “damned.”  Like the Eng­lish word yikes, it is more of an atten­tion-get­ter and emo­tion-set­ter than a clear char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion or pro­nounce­ment.  Jesus there­fore prom­ises relief to some groups, to those people who travel rough roads through life.  To oth­ers, to folks who find exist­ence rather enjoy­able or easy, he cries, “Look out!”  The big ques­tion for the preach­er to con­sider is why those com­fort­able people should look out.  What’s wrong with health, wealth, and mer­ri­ment?  Hold onto that ques­tion for a few para­graphs.  Jesus sees the world through glasses that dis­tort the con­ven­tion­al val­ues every­one else sees.  His spec­tacles turn everything upside-down, just as Mary’s proph­et­ic vis­ion does in Luke 1:46–55.  Things oper­ate dif­fer­ently in the reign of God, as seen while that new state of affairs becomes mani­fest in Jesus’ min­istry.  His work and mes­sage act­ively bene­fit the dis­ad­vant­aged, not the priv­ileged (cf. Luke 4:16–19; 5:30–32).  He brings sat­is­fac­tion and belong­ing to those who suf­fer from poverty—which includes more than the people who lack money but also the power­less and the dis­en­fran­chised.  His min­istry feeds the hungry, which likely anti­cip­ates the won­drous deed he per­forms in Luke 9:12–17 and his pen­chant for eat­ing with oth­ers.  It also lays a found­a­tion for the hos­pit­al­ity and meal-shar­ing that are hall­marks of the com­munity he cre­ates.  The people who cry, who live in per­petu­al loss and grief and who have lost hope, will not be for­got­ten but will exper­i­ence joy (e.g., Luke 7:13; 8:52; 23:27–28; 24:52).  Exclu­sion and per­se­cu­tion prove to be no match for those who share in Jesus’ proph­et­ic, lib­er­at­ive min­istry.

Dis­cus­sion Ques­tions for All Saints:

  • Do you have a favour­ite Saint whose story has impacted on your life?
  • Think over the Saints you have known per­son­ally and who have led you to God and take a moment to name them and give thanks for them in prayer.
  • What makes someone a saint for you?
  • Pon­der the gos­pel read­ing of bless­ings and woes.   How does that teach­ing by Jesus touch your life?
  • (re Eph­esians)   Is Christ the head over your life today?  If not what do you need to do to put Jesus in that pos­i­tion of authority?