St Luke’s Op Shop

The offi­cial web­site of the OpShop is

We are a char­it­able organ­iz­a­tion sponsored by the Anglic­an Church par­ish of St Luke’s Enmore NSW 2042

All our friendly and help­ful staff are volun­teers, and there are no wages,
com­mis­sion or admin­is­tra­tion charges pay­able.

We sell good qual­ity clean cloth­ing, lin­en, and house­hold items, includ­ing crock­ery, glass­ware, and books, at very reas­on­able prices.
Dona­tions of these items are very wel­come.

We do not accept fur­niture (space lim­it­a­tions), and we can­not accept used elec­tric­al appli­ances, com­puters and parts, bike hel­mets, prams, strollers and health appli­ances such as wheel­chairs, walk­ers, frames and sim­il­ar items.

Pro­ceeds from our sales go towards loc­al, with­in Aus­tralia and over­seas char­it­able organ­iz­a­tions. The shop also sup­ports the Anglic­an Board of Mis­sion, the Al Ahli Hos­pit­al in Gaza, owned and run by the Epis­copal Dio­cese of Jer­u­s­alem. This hos­pit­al does not dis­crim­in­ate and is open to all sick and injured people.

Park­ing is avail­able in the church car park for shop cus­tom­ers mak­ing pur­chases and drop­ping off dona­tions.

The address is:
11 STANMORE RD — oppos­ite 7/11, Mob: 0416 913 578
OpShop Hours: 10am to 3pm, Tues­day to Fri­day, & 10am to 2pm on Saturday.  Closed Sunday, Monday and ALL Pub­lic Hol­i­days.