ST Luke's Chapel, 11 Stanmore Rd, Enmore

St Luke’s Church

St Luke’s Enmore is at 11 Stan­more Road, Enmore,
about 50 metres west (towards Peter­sham) from the inter­sec­tion with Enmore Road.
The Church is eas­ily recog­nised by two large fig trees by the road side.
There is also a 7–11 Pet­rol Sta­tion oppos­ite the church.

Bus routes from the city are 423, 426, 428. Alight on Enmore Road, just before the inter­sec­tion with Stan­more Road. Cross the road and then turn right into Stan­more Road for a 50 metre walk to St Luke’s.

Anoth­er bus is the Met­ro­bus 430, which travels from Mos­man to Syden­ham. Either catch it along its route from Mos­man or take the train to Syden­ham Sta­tion and then take the 430 to the Enmore Post Office. When you leave the bus, turn left to the inter­sec­tion and fol­low Stan­more road 50 metres to the church.

The nearest rail­way sta­tion is New­town, about a 15 minute walk along Enmore Road (1 km), then turn right into Stan­more Road for a final 50 metres to St Luke’s.

For trains to New­town, catch a Bank­stown via Regents Park ser­vice, or a Liv­er­pool ser­vice (ensure it stops all sta­tions). Trains depart Cent­ral every fif­teen minutes on Sundays.

We recom­mend that this trans­port inform­a­tion is veri­fied (call the InfoLine on 131 500), as dis­rup­tions to nor­mal ser­vices are com­mon on Sundays.