1st April, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters,
The world has changed dramatically around us in just a short time has it not.  For my own part, spending most of my time indoors, and not leading public worship on Sundays has really messed up my body clock big time.
I’m sure your own world has been tipped on its head too.  I really miss the personal contact with our dear parish family members.  It is such an important part of life for me, and also ministry of course.
I simply pray that we will get through all this in reasonable shape and be able to carry on as before – or to be more positive, that we will move onward and upward when we can meet together in person once again.
In the meantime, the parish has been active.  The wardens and parish council have been applying their wisdom to the situation and I have been busy trying to learn some new skills to help produce online material.
You will notice that the parish now has its own YouTube channel (search for St Lukes Enmore and subscribe) and there have been some other talks as well as an act of spiritual communion with which you are free to share.  These are also available on the parish’s Facebook page.
If you are not online, we will keep in contact by phone. Firstly, there may be some family members who can help you access the YouTube channel. If not, we will keep in touch through the post and through phone calls.  The Pastoral Care Committee has organised a team of phone callers to keep in contact with ALL members of the parish family. If you have not received a call or if you would like some other kind of contact, then please let ME know. I would be only too glad to help.
You are all very important to me, to the parish and to God so we hope to stay with you in what ever way we can throughout this difficult period in the life of the nation.
May God continue to bless, keep and preserve us. Amen.
Fr Jeff Parker
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