Letter from the Rector — 1st April 2020

1st April, 2020

Dear broth­ers and sis­ters,

The world has changed dra­mat­ic­ally around us in just a short time has it not.   For my own part, spend­ing most of my time indoors, and not lead­ing pub­lic wor­ship on Sundays has really messed up my body clock big time.

I’m sure your own world has been tipped on its head too.   I really miss the per­son­al con­tact with our dear par­ish fam­ily members.   It is such an import­ant part of life for me, and also min­istry of course.

I simply pray that we will get through all this in reas­on­able shape and be able to carry on as before – or to be more pos­it­ive, that we will move onward and upward when we can meet togeth­er in per­son once again.

In the mean­time, the par­ish has been active.   The war­dens and par­ish coun­cil have been apply­ing their wis­dom to the situ­ation and I have been busy try­ing to learn some new skills to help pro­duce online mater­i­al.

You will notice that the par­ish now has its own You­Tube chan­nel (search for St Lukes Enmore and sub­scribe) and there have been some oth­er talks as well as an act of spir­itu­al com­mu­nion with which you are free to share.   These are also avail­able on the parish’s Face­book page.

If you are not online, we will keep in con­tact by phone. Firstly, there may be some fam­ily mem­bers who can help you access the You­Tube chan­nel. If not, we will keep in touch through the post and through phone calls.   The Pas­tor­al Care Com­mit­tee has organ­ised a team of phone callers to keep in con­tact with ALL mem­bers of the par­ish fam­ily. If you have not received a call or if you would like some oth­er kind of con­tact, then please let ME know. I would be only too glad to help.

You are all very import­ant to me, to the par­ish and to God so we hope to stay with you in what ever way we can through­out this dif­fi­cult peri­od in the life of the nation.

May God con­tin­ue to bless, keep and pre­serve us. Amen.

Fr Jeff Park­er
