St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Information (Page 58)

†The Op Shop

The Oppor­tun­ity Shop Group con­sists of those who sort goods and price them and who staff the shop dur­ing the week. Mem­bers of the Group enjoy work­ing togeth­er and meet­ing the wide vari­ety of people who come to the shop dur­ing busi­ness hours.

For enquir­ies, please call the Op Shop at 11 Stan­more Rd (oppos­ite the 7/11) or tele­phone 0416 913 578 dur­ing busi­ness hours. The Shop is open on Tues­day to Fri­day from 10.00 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and on Sat­urday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


†Litur­gic­al Assist­ants Group

The Litur­gic­al Assist­ants Group con­sists of those whose min­istry is in the con­text of the Sunday Ser­vice. The mem­bers admin­is­ter com­mu­nion, read the Gos­pel, carry the Pro­ces­sion­al Cross, candles or incense. Andy Ser­afin is the Sac­ristan and may be con­tac­ted via the Office num­ber 9557 4219.


†Clean­ing and Decorating

The people in this group find their min­istry in clean­ing the church and its grounds, and in dec­or­at­ing the church for Sunday ser­vices and oth­er spe­cial occa­sions. They are usu­ally organ­ised on a roster sys­tem which gives every­one an oppor­tun­ity to shine.

For details about this group please call Ruth Cham­pi­on on 0400 166 041.


Notices — Third Sunday of Advent

NOTICES: 2020 Opshop Cal­en­dars for sale – lim­ited num­ber avail­able at $2 each.  Please see Andy Ser­afin. This week: Advent Study – Monday at 7.30 pm & Wed­nes­days after Morn­ing Tea:  ome along for some lively dis­cus­sion and fel­low­ship on a Monday Even­ing. The study we are using for Advent dis­cus­sions is the Advent and Christ­mas “Sac­red Space Booklet”.…

Notices — Second sunday of Advent

Tonight: Ecu­men­ic­al Advent Pray­er Ser­vice at 7.00pm — This will be kindly hos­ted by St Paul of the Cross, 532 New Can­ter­bury Rd, Dul­wich Hill par­ish with refresh­ments after­wards (bring a plate to share).  This week: Advent Study – Monday at 7.30 pm & Wed­nes­days after Morn­ing Tea: Come along for some lively dis­cus­sion and fel­low­ship on a…

Notices — First Sunday of Advent

Today we wel­come Fr Mike Nix­on, former Rect­or of our Par­ish as our preach­er.  Happy birth­day to: Pau­line Newell; Christine Thur­ley; Belinda Reddy; Kathy Drum­mond; Fran Mor­ris; Jen­nifer Bestel; Thomas Flem­ing; Geor­gie Mar­tin; and Ron­ald Naidu. The flowers today have been donated today by Beth Arm­strong in memory of her son John Edward Fin­ney.  Flowers…

Notices Sunday 17 November 2019

Today — Par­ish Coun­cil meets after morn­ing tea in the Par­ish Office. Advent Dis­cus­sions — Advent is a most import­ant time of the year for Chris­ti­ans like us.  There will be some Advent dis­cus­sions held in the par­ish.  If you are inter­ested in being involved or host­ing a group, please let Fr. Jeff know. St Paul’s…