St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Information (Page 53)

†The Op Shop

The Oppor­tun­ity Shop Group con­sists of those who sort goods and price them and who staff the shop dur­ing the week. Mem­bers of the Group enjoy work­ing togeth­er and meet­ing the wide vari­ety of people who come to the shop dur­ing busi­ness hours.

For enquir­ies, please call the Op Shop at 11 Stan­more Rd (oppos­ite the 7/11) or tele­phone 0416 913 578 dur­ing busi­ness hours. The Shop is open on Tues­day to Fri­day from 10.00 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and on Sat­urday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


†Litur­gic­al Assist­ants Group

The Litur­gic­al Assist­ants Group con­sists of those whose min­istry is in the con­text of the Sunday Ser­vice. The mem­bers admin­is­ter com­mu­nion, read the Gos­pel, carry the Pro­ces­sion­al Cross, candles or incense. Andy Ser­afin is the Sac­ristan and may be con­tac­ted via the Office num­ber 9557 4219.


†Clean­ing and Decorating

The people in this group find their min­istry in clean­ing the church and its grounds, and in dec­or­at­ing the church for Sunday ser­vices and oth­er spe­cial occa­sions. They are usu­ally organ­ised on a roster sys­tem which gives every­one an oppor­tun­ity to shine.

For details about this group please call Ruth Cham­pi­on on 0400 166 041.


Notices — 12 April — Easter Day

NOTICES: The flowers in the church for East­er are in memory of Eunice Dahler from Jo Raj (Gor­don) and fam­ily.  Play Group @ Enmore – has been sus­pen­ded until the cur­rent health crisis is under con­trol. For inform­a­tion phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390. Con­firm­a­tion – Booked in for Sunday 23rd August (but wait­ing to be…

Notices — Palm Sunday — 5th April 2020

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to: Edwin Reddy; Stephanie Reddy; Bryson Reddy; Diana Jef­fer­ies; Ian Barnett; Ray Som­mer; Elise Bestel; Eliza­beth Flem­ing; Ron Cross; and Chris­toph­er Haly. Len­ten stud­ies –Wed­nes­day stud­ies have been can­celled. At this stage, the study at 7.30 pm on Monday even­ing (at the Rect­ory) is being con­tin­ued by Zoom. Con­tact Fr Jeff if you…

Notices — The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Sunday 29th March

NOTICES: ALL St Luke’s Enmore Sunday & Wed­nes­day church ser­vices have been can­celled until fur­ther notice.  A weekly ser­vice will be pos­ted online and access­ible via Face­book or You­Tube — our chan­nel is ‘St Lukes Enmore’ Please note: Due to broad­cast­ing copy­right restric­tions we are not able to play/sing the hymns and songs dur­ing the…

Letter from the Rector — Covid 19 Response Update

19 March 2020 Dear broth­ers and sis­ters and all friends of St Luke’s Enmore with Stan­more Re: Cov­­id-19 Vir­us Response Greet­ings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have prob­ably heard by now that the Arch­bish­op of Sydney has decided that the Anglic­an Church in Sydney sus­pend ALL pub­lic church gath­er­ings until fur­ther notice. …