St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Information (Page 37)

†The Op Shop

The Oppor­tun­ity Shop Group con­sists of those who sort goods and price them and who staff the shop dur­ing the week. Mem­bers of the Group enjoy work­ing togeth­er and meet­ing the wide vari­ety of people who come to the shop dur­ing busi­ness hours.

For enquir­ies, please call the Op Shop at 11 Stan­more Rd (oppos­ite the 7/11) or tele­phone 0416 913 578 dur­ing busi­ness hours. The Shop is open on Tues­day to Fri­day from 10.00 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and on Sat­urday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


†Litur­gic­al Assist­ants Group

The Litur­gic­al Assist­ants Group con­sists of those whose min­istry is in the con­text of the Sunday Ser­vice. The mem­bers admin­is­ter com­mu­nion, read the Gos­pel, carry the Pro­ces­sion­al Cross, candles or incense. Andy Ser­afin is the Sac­ristan and may be con­tac­ted via the Office num­ber 9557 4219.


†Clean­ing and Decorating

The people in this group find their min­istry in clean­ing the church and its grounds, and in dec­or­at­ing the church for Sunday ser­vices and oth­er spe­cial occa­sions. They are usu­ally organ­ised on a roster sys­tem which gives every­one an oppor­tun­ity to shine.

For details about this group please call Ruth Cham­pi­on on 0400 166 041.


Notices — St Michael and All Angels — Sunday 26th September 2021

NOTICES: The flowers in the church today have been donate by Noel Jeffs in cel­eb­ra­tion of the ordin­a­tion of Christina Rees (CBE) at Nor­wich Cathed­ral on 25th Septem­ber.      Day­light sav­ing begins next Sun 3rd Oct: Remem­ber to put clocks for­ward one hour on Sat­urday night.        ‘Trin­ity Salute’ Paint­ing Launch – Post­poned Date…

Notices — Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost — 19th September 2021

NOTICES: Vir­tu­al par­ish get-togeth­er: There is a change of time to the vir­tu­al par­ish get-togeth­­er this week, with Par­ish Coun­cil meet­ing in the morn­ing.  The vir­tu­al get-togeth­­er will begin at 2.30pm on Sunday 19 Septem­ber, with a spe­cial live per­form­ance of some pop­u­lar mood-lift­ing songs by Jo Bur­ton (view only, no chat) for around 20…

Notices — Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost — 5th September 2021

NOTICES:   Happy Birth­day to: Beth Arm­strong; Joyce Reddy; Amrit MacIntyre; Gra­hame Sadler; Laurel Som­mer; Eed Intapan; and Mint Kit­tir­at.   The vir­tu­al par­ish get-togeth­­er con­tin­ues at 10.30am this com­ing Sunday 5 Septem­ber.  We will break into rooms of 4–5 people in Zoom, and change rooms every 10 mins or so, thereby mir­ror­ing the experience…

Notices — Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost — 29th August 2021

NOTICES:   The flowers in the church dur­ing our pre-recor­ded ser­vice were donated by Noel Jeffs in cel­eb­ra­tion of his Anniversary of Pro­fes­sion.   Zoom morn­ing teas have resumed: Last Sunday we had our first vir­tu­al Par­ish get-togeth­­er of the 2021 lock­down.  More than 20 people joined and it was won­der­ful to be able to see and…