St Luke’s Memorial Garden

Side Garden at St Luke's Enmore
Side Garden at St Luke’s Enmore

St Luke’s Memori­al Garden is a quiet, tran­quil place in a noisy sub­urb. A brick path bordered with Clivi­as (Clivia mini­ata) leads from the War Memori­al Gate on Stan­more Road to the door of the Organ Cham­ber and the Side Door of the Church. To the left, against the wall of an old build­ing there are Mini­ature Box (Bux­us sem­per­virens) hedges sur­round­ing plots where the ashes of the dead rest in peace. To the right against the Church wall is a vig­or­ous Canary Palm tree (Phoenix canari­en­sis) which provides branches for our Palm Sunday Pro­ces­sion. It also provides small dates from which count­less seed­lings grow.

Side Garden at St Luke's Enmore
Side Garden at St Luke’s Enmore

Also in the pic­ture to the left are Tree Ferns (Cyathea aus­tral­is) and Aus­trali­an Sword Ferns, (Neph­ro­lepis oblit­er­ate) as well as oth­er nat­ive and exot­ic plants.

Out of the pic­ture to the right is an open patch where small pets may be bur­ied. This part of the garden is ded­ic­ated to St Fran­cis of Assisi.


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