St Luke’s Memorial Garden

St Luke’s Memorial Garden is a quiet, tranquil place in a noisy suburb. A brick path bordered with Clivias (Clivia miniata) leads from the War Memorial Gate on Stanmore Road to the door of the Organ Chamber and the Side Door of the Church. To the left, against the wall of an old building there are Miniature Box (Buxus sempervirens) hedges surrounding plots where the ashes of the dead rest in peace. To the right against the Church wall is a vigorous Canary Palm tree (Phoenix canariensis) which provides branches for our Palm Sunday Procession. It also provides small dates from which countless seedlings grow.

Also in the picture to the left are Tree Ferns (Cyathea australis) and Australian Sword Ferns, (Nephrolepis obliterate) as well as other native and exotic plants.
Out of the picture to the right is an open patch where small pets may be buried. This part of the garden is dedicated to St Francis of Assisi.