Thanksgiving Mass for the life of Fabian Lo Schiavo

Dear Friends,

Fabi­an Lo Schiavo sadly died from a car­di­ac arrest early on Thursday morn­ing, 11th May at his home.

In keep­ing with his wishes he will have a private buri­al with only his imme­di­ate fam­ily and his execut­ors in attend­ance.

It was his wish also that we hold a Thanks­giv­ing Mass at St Luke’s Enmore and this has been arranged for Monday 29th May at 11 a.m.   

Fabi­an has reques­ted no flowers to be giv­en (oth­er than church flowers in vases) and no photo of him­self in the church; how­ever a Wake will fol­low in the hall to cel­eb­rate his life.  The parish­ion­ers will provide the refresh­ments; food, wine, drinks, tea and cof­fee.

Every­one is wel­come at St Luke’s; we are an inclus­ive com­munity!