2.30pm Sydney MOW Annual Meeting

Sat­urday 4th Novem­ber at 2.30 p.m. – Sydney MOW Annu­al Meet­ing

St Paul’s Bur­wood Par­ish Hall, 205–207 Bur­wood Road, Bur­wood.

Spe­cial guest speak­er The Rev’d Elaine Farm­er from the Dio­cese of Can­berra-Goul­burn, speak­ing on ‘Foot Sol­diers in the Mon­strous Regi­ment of Women’.

Attend­ance is free, but you are encour­aged to bring some after­noon tea to share. 

Please advise Ruth Cham­pi­on, Sydney Con­ven­or if you are able to attend or wish your apo­lo­gies to be recor­ded at ruthchampion47@gmail.com


For fur­ther details and inform­a­tion about our guest speak­er view Sydney AGM _ Move­ment for the Ordin­a­tion of Women 2023

To learn more about MOW or to sup­port our activ­it­ies, vis­it MOWATCH Move­ment for the Ordin­a­tion of Women in the Anglic­an Church