St Luke’s Vivid Walk — 6pm Thursday 9th June 2022


St Luke’s Vivid Walk — 9 June 2022 at 6pm (until about 8pm).

The Vivid Sydney Fest­iv­al of Light, Music and Ideas returns from 27 May to 18 June 2022.

This year the light install­a­tions have been dif­fused (pun inten­ded) across the CBD, in part to mit­ig­ate crowding.

Brett is arran­ging a walk­ing tour, sub­ject to con­di­tions at the time.

The walk is planned to com­mence at Frankly, My Dear … which will illu­min­ate the Busi­ness School, Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy Sydney, designed by renowned Cana­dian-Amer­ic­an archi­tect Frank Gehry (see details in attached link).

We will then walk to Con­ver­gence in the unused Goods Line tun­nel nearby and Vivid Reflec­tions on the Sydney Cent­ral Sta­tion clock tower.  If there’s time and inclin­a­tion, we could ven­ture fur­ther afield.

Please share any oth­er itin­er­ary sug­ges­tions.

RSVP:  by 8 June 2022 to or to Brett to receive updates.

Cov­id safety:  con­sider your level of Cov­id immunity at the time, qual­ity masks will be provided if you do not have one.