St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Saturday 9th November at 2.30pm — Book Launch: “When Hope Came”

Sat­urday 9th Novem­ber — 2.30–5.00pm

Book Launch: “When Hope Came” — Thai­l­and, Lep­rosy and a Leg­acy of Caring

Author: Mem­ber of St Luke’s Church:- Janet Walmsley

In a remote island sanc­tu­ary in North­ern Thai­l­and, Aus­trali­an couple Dr Tre­vor and Heath­er Smith ded­ic­ated their lives for over 50 years to bring­ing hope, heal­ing and res­tor­a­tion to people who soci­ety had rejec­ted and “thrown away”. This remark­able couple battled floods, stigma, poverty and isol­a­tion, work­ing along­side loc­al and over­seas col­leagues to bring about change in treat­ment and com­munity atti­tudes. Theirs is a story of resi­li­ence and faith, of pion­eer­ing med­ic­al and social innov­a­tion, and of ded­ic­a­tion and per­sever­ance “against all odds”.  Most of all, it is a story of hope.

Event includes After­noon Tea and a Q&A ses­sion chaired by Dr Greg Clarke, CEO, The Lep­rosy Mis­sion Australia.

Cel­eb­rat­ing 150 years of The Lep­rosy Mis­sion’s work to erad­ic­ate the dis­ease and the stigma of leprosy