Saturday 6th July @ 3.30pm — Christmas High Tea in July!


Sat­urday 6th July at 3.30 p.m. – Christ­mas High Tea in July!

A Par­ish event for all your fam­ily and friends to enjoy.

$15 dona­tion would be appre­ci­ated.

Wear some­thing green and red, or some­thing col­our­ful and/or sparkly.

Please bring an unwrapped gift or altern­at­ively wrapped in clear cel­lo­phane for the trad­ing table.  The idea is you bid for the gift and pro­ceeds will go to ABM Myan­mar Clean Water Pro­ject.

There will be mulled wine, deli­cious food, enter­tain­ment and lucky door prizes!

Invite your fam­ily and friends but please RSVP by Sunday 30th June to

Please let Ruth know If you have any fancy Tea pots or Cake Tier plates we can use for the event. 

All help will be most appre­ci­ated.