St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Saturday 2nd November at 3pm – Cinema Paradiso:  A Room with a View

Sat­urday 2nd Novem­ber – Cinema Para­diso:  A Room with a View (1985) — in trib­ute to Mag­gie Smith:

3.00pm for a punc­tu­al 3.15pm start.

Inter­val at 4.15pm — wine and cheese (per­haps from Tuscany but not Chianti).

5.30pm Finis


RSVP not essen­tial.  Screen­ing in the Church Hall.


Lucy Hon­eychurch is a young Eng­lish­wo­man on the Grand Tour in Italy, chap­eroned by her older cous­in Char­lotte Bart­lett. At a hotel in Florence, Lucy meets charm­ing, free-spir­ited George Emer­son and his father.

Although intrigued by George, on her return to Eng­land Lucy pon­ders mar­riage to the wealthy and eccent­ric Cecil Vyse. When George reappears in her life, Lucy must decide between them.

Helena Bon­ham Carter appears as Lucy in the role which launched her career. Mag­gie Smith is bril­liant as Charlotte.


Renowned for its beau­ti­ful, paint­erly dir­ec­tion, Fiorentino design, Puccini arias — and Oscar-win­ning screen­play by Ruth Praw­er Jhab­vala which cap­tures E M Forster’s nov­el so well — the film became an imme­di­ate classic.


Please speak to Brett with any enquir­ies or comments.