Parking Update_Thanksgiving Mass for the life of Fabian Lo Schiavo

A Thanks­giv­ing Mass to cel­eb­rate the life of Fabi­an Lo Schiavo will be held at St Luke’s Enmore on Monday 29th May at 11 a.m.   A Wake will fol­low in the hall to cel­eb­rate his life.  The parish­ion­ers will provide the refresh­ments; food, wine, drinks, tea and cof­fee.
Park­ing will be severely lim­ited on the day — we will cor­don off the St Luke’s car­park and drivers will be asked to drive through and drop off only exit­ing out the back lane.  We ask people to park in the Cyp­ri­ot Car­park or Edge­ware Rd car­park and as it’s Monday morn­ing there will be spaces avail­able along Stan­more Road after 10 am and in back streets. We would advise those who can get pub­lic trans­port get — either the train to New­town Sta­tion then walk along Enmore Rd or the 423, 430, 426 or 428 buses from Cent­ral which stop in Enmore Rd very close to the church in Stan­more Road.