Cinema Paradiso: Vision (2009)

Cinema Para­diso:  Vis­ion (2009)

Sat­urday, 22 Octo­ber 2022 — 3.30pm (for 3.45 pm start) to 5.55pm

RSVP:  to Brett Dav­ies by Sunday, 16 Octo­ber 2022

Vis­ion tells the story of Hilde­gard von Bin­gen, the 12th cen­tury Bene­dict­ine nun, mys­tic and com­poser, ven­er­ated in the Cath­ol­ic and Anglic­an Communions.  She was a Doc­tor of the Church who was able to trans­mit her vis­ions to the world.  Accord­ing to Wiki­pe­dia, Pope John Paul II called her “a light to her people and for her time” and said “she con­tin­ues to shine even more brightly today.”

The film por­trays Hildegard’s determ­in­a­tion to expand the respons­ib­il­it­ies of women with­in the Bene­dict­ine order whilst deal­ing with the out­rage in the Church about the vis­ions she claimed to receive from God.  Vis­ion is filmed in the medi­ev­al cloisters and land­scapes of the south­ern Rhine region.

There will be an inter­val with refresh­ments (20 minutes).