3.30pm Cinema Paradiso: “Some like it hot”

Sat­urday 17th Feb at 3.30pm — Cinema Para­diso: Some like it Hot (1959)

RSVP not essen­tial — Screen­ing in the Church Hall

3.30pm for a punc­tu­al 3.45pm start, con­clud­ing at 5.40pm.

Inter­val at 4.30pm (30 minutes) with wine, cheese and ana­lys­is

Some Like It Hot (1959) opened to crit­ic­al and com­mer­cial suc­cess and remains one of the great Hol­ly­wood films.  Set in 1920s Pro­hib­i­tion-era Chica­go, two hard-up musi­cians wit­ness the shoot­ing of a police inform­er on the infam­ous St Valentine’s Day Massacre.  To escape the Mafia, they dis­guise them­selves as women and flee to Miami with an all-female jazz band.  Famil­i­ar to many, it is a per­fect film for late Sum­mer in Sydney — Rot­ten Toma­toes call­ing it ‘A spry, quick-wit­ted farce that nev­er drags.’