3pm ‑ St Luke’s Young Organists Series Recital

Sunday, 25th June 2023 — St Luke’s Young Organ­ists Series - Recit­al at 3pm

Please keep and share the date!


Win­ner of the Open Sec­tion of the 2022 Sydney Organ Com­pet­i­tion, Samuel Giddy per­forms works by J S and C P E Bach, Byrd and Brahms on the rare 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ at St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Enmore with Stan­more.


The St Luke’s Young Organ­ists Series is an occa­sion­al series of recit­als by loc­al young and emer­ging organ schol­ars and organ­ists.


Seat­ing unre­served.

No book­ing required.

Entry, Pro­gramme & Refresh­ments: $ note dona­tion.


Enquir­ies:  Kathy Drum­mond / Brett Dav­ies / OrganatEnmore@gmail.com


Liv­ing more safely with Cov­id and Influ­enza:  wear a fit­ted mask, sit at a dis­tance from oth­ers, re-con­sider attend­ance if you have symp­toms.