Enmore Hall — Community Use

St Luke’s Enmore Hall Use

St Luke's Enmore Hall
St Luke’s Enmore Hall

The St Luke’s Hall is avail­able for use by com­munity groups and private indi­vidu­als, in return for a con­tri­bu­tion to its main­ten­ance.

Com­munity groups cur­rently using the hall include choir, social groups, theatre groups and yoga groups.

St Luke’s Enmore Hall is a large com­munity hall attached to a mod­ern and well appoin­ted kit­chen.

The par­ish car park is avail­able for hall users and includes one dis­abled park­ing space.  Our amen­it­ies also include a ramp for wheel­chair access and a dis­abled bath­room.

For book­ings or oth­er enquir­ies, please con­tact St Luke’s Par­ish Office on Ph: 9557 4219.

After con­firm­ing that the time required is avail­able, pro­spect­ive hall users must read and under­stand the Con­di­tions for Hall Use and then com­plete a Hall User Agree­ment Form.   Please note: Book­ings are only con­firmed upon receipt of a com­pleted agree­ment form and pay­ment.

St Luke's Enmore Hall internal during church function
St Luke’s Enmore Hall intern­al dur­ing church func­tion


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