
St Luke’s Enmore sup­ports ABM Aus­tralia through pray­er, fin­an­cial com­mit­ment and per­son­al involve­ment of its mem­bers in the work of ABM.
ABM stands for Anglic­an Board of Mis­sion and its web­site is at

We sup­port three major pro­jects.

The Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza
The Al Ahli Arab Hos­pit­al in Gaza
  1. Vanuatu — Lan­guage, Lit­er­acy and Numer­acy
  2. The Wontulp bi-Buya Col­lege in Cairns
  3. The Al Ahli Arab Hos­pit­al in Gaza

Dona­tions for these pro­jects come from

  • the Op Shop (20% of the pro­ceeds)
  • the Len­ten Offer­ing pro­gram
  • Offer­ings spe­cific­ally for ABM made every Sunday of the year
ST Luke's Chapel, 11 Stanmore Rd, Enmore

St Luke’s Church

St Luke’s Enmore is at 11 Stan­more Road, Enmore, about 50 metres west (towards Peter­sham) from the inter­sec­tion with Enmore Road dir­ectly across from the 7–11 Pet­rol Sta­tion.

St Luke’s Op Shop

The offi­cial web­site of the OpShop is We are a char­it­able organ­iz­a­tion sponsored by the Anglic­an Church par­ish of St Luke’s Enmore NSW 2042 All our friendly and help­ful staff are volun­teers, and there are no wages, com­mis­sion or admin­is­tra­tion charges pay­able. We sell good qual­ity clean cloth­ing, lin­en, and house­hold items, includ­ing crock­ery,…