Christ the King 20th November 2016

20 November 2016

Wel­come to our wor­ship this morn­ing

At St Luke’s we seek to share God’s uncon­di­tion­al love and accept­ance of all people, regard­less of age, gender, race, mar­it­al or fam­ily status, sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion, dis­ab­il­ity or wealth.

Preach­er & Cel­eb­rant:
Wel­comers Today:
Next Week:
Read­ers Today:
Read­ers Next Week:
Next Week:
Next Week:
Clean­ers 26th Novem­ber:
Fr. Philip Brad­ford
Dav­id Dun­lop & Ann Petersen
Peter Gil­bert & Alfredo Narnola
Jen­nie Win­ton & Peter Gil­bert
Thomas & Ellen­or Flem­ming
Richard Hagen
Peter Gil­bert
Kath­er­ine Old­field & Sally Woell­ner
Les Car­ring­ton & Kev­in Green
John Tonetti & Neville Daniels

ABMGod’s Mes­si­ah was cru­ci­fied by the Romans incited by his enemies and was placed along­side two crim­in­als, but Jesus still prayed to his Fath­er that they all might be for­giv­en. This Christ Jesus, the cre­at­or of all things, this ruler of all domin­ions and powers, our head of the church, is the LORD our right­eous­ness. By his death and resur­rec­tion, this good shep­herd is gath­er­ing all the lost and scattered sheep to him­self. All of us, wheth­er we are ali­en­ated, poor, down­cast, liv­ing in dark­ness, liv­ing in hope­less­ness or des­pair – we are all wel­come in God’s fam­ily.

  • Pray that Christ the king may reign in our lives as we seek to for­give, love and recon­cile all things on behalf of our lov­ing God.

  • Give thanks for the work of the Church Agen­cies’ Net­work – made up of those agen­cies which are both devel­op­ment agen­cies of Chris­ti­an Church denom­in­a­tions in Aus­tralia (or of the Nation­al Coun­cil of Churches in Aus­tralia) and mem­bers of the Aus­trali­an Coun­cil for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment, ACFID.

Text: Dr Michael Sut­ton
Cat­ech­ist, St Paul’s Anglic­an Church Bur­wood
© Anglic­an Board of Mis­sion, 2016

Introit Hymn: TIS 378 – The head that once was crowned with thorns

The Sen­tence: Rejoice greatly, O daugh­ter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daugh­ter of Jer­u­s­alem! Lo, your king comes to you; tri­umphant and vic­tori­ous is he, humble and rid­ing on a don­key, on a colt, the foal of a don­key. Zechari­ah 9.9

The Col­lect:

Etern­al God,
you exal­ted Jesus Christ to rule over all things,
and have made us instru­ments of his king­dom:
by your Spir­it empower us to love the unloved,
and to min­is­ter to all in need,
then at the last bring us to your etern­al realm
where we may be wel­comed into your ever­last­ing joy
and may wor­ship and adore you for ever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spir­it,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

First Read­ing Jeremi­ah 23.1–6

A read­ing from the book of the proph­et Jeremi­ah

Woe to the shep­herds who des­troy and scat­ter the sheep of my pas­ture! says the Lord. There­fore, thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, con­cern­ing the shep­herds who shep­herd my people: It is you who have scattered my flock, and have driv­en them away, and you have not atten­ded to them. So I will attend to you for your evil doings, says the Lord. Then I myself will gath­er the rem­nant of my flock out of all the lands where I have driv­en them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruit­ful and mul­tiply. I will raise up shep­herds over them who will shep­herd them, and they shall not fear any longer, or be dis­mayed, nor shall any be miss­ing, says the Lord. The days are surely com­ing, says the Lord, when I will raise up for Dav­id a right­eous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and right­eous­ness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’

For the word of the Lord Thanks be to God

A Song of Zechari­ah

  1. Blessed are you Lord * the | God of | Israel:
    you have come to your | people
    ï‚Ÿ and | set them | free.

  2. You have raised up for us a | mighty | Saviour:
    born of the | house
    ï‚Ÿ of your | ser­vant | Dav­id.

  3. Through your holy proph­ets you | prom­ised ï‚Ÿ of | old:
    to save us from our enemies * from the | hands of | all who | hate us,

  4. To show | mercy ï‚Ÿ to our | fore­bears:
    and to re-| mem­ber
    ï‚Ÿ your | holy | cov­en­ant:

  5. This was the oath you swore to our | fath­er | Abra­ham:
    to set us | free
    ï‚Ÿ from the | hands of ï‚Ÿ our | enemies,

  6. Free to wor­ship you with-| out | fear:
    holy and right­eous before you | all the | days of
    ï‚Ÿ our | life.

  7. And you child shall be called the proph­et of the | Most | High:
    For you will go before the | Lord to
    ï‚Ÿ pre-| pare the | way,

  8. To give God’s people know­ledge | of sal-| vation:
    by the for-| give­ness | of their | sins.

  9. In the tender com­pas­sion | of our | God:
    the dawn from on | high shall | break u-| pon us,

  10. To shine on those who dwell in dark­ness and the | shad­ow ï‚Ÿ of | death:
    and to guide our feet | into ï‚Ÿ the | way of | peace.

Glory to God; Fath­er Son and Holy Spir­it.
As in the begin­ning so now; and for ever. Amen.

Second Read­ing Colos­si­ans 1.11–20

A read­ing from Paul’s let­ter to the Colos­si­ans

May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glor­i­ous power, and may you be pre­pared to endure everything with patience, while joy­fully giv­ing thanks to the Fath­er, who has enabled you to share in the inher­it­ance of the saints in the light. He has res­cued us from the power of dark­ness and trans­ferred us into the king­dom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemp­tion, the for­give­ness of sins. He is the image of the invis­ible God, the first­born of all cre­ation; for in him all things in heav­en and on earth were cre­ated, things vis­ible and invis­ible, wheth­er thrones or domin­ions or rulers or powers—all things have been cre­ated through him and for him. He him­self is before all things, and in him all things hold togeth­er. He is the head of the body, the church; he is the begin­ning, the first­born from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. For in him all the full­ness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to recon­cile to him­self all things, wheth­er on earth or in heav­en, by mak­ing peace through the blood of his cross.

For the word of the Lord Thanks be to God

Gos­pel Pro­ces­sion

Gos­pel Acclam­a­tion

Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia,
Blessed is he who inher­its the king­dom of | Dav­id ï‚Ÿ our | Fath­er,
blessed is he who | comes ï‚Ÿ in the | name ï‚Ÿ of the | Lord.
Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia.

The Gos­pel Luke 23.33–43

The Gos­pel of our Lord Jesus Christ accord­ing to Luke
 Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they cru­ci­fied Jesus there with the crim­in­als, one on his right and one on his left. Then Jesus said, ‘Father, for­give them; for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they cast lots to divide his cloth­ing. And the people stood by, watch­ing; but the lead­ers scoffed at him, say­ing, ‘He saved oth­ers; let him save him­self if he is the Mes­si­ah of God, his chosen one!’ The sol­diers also mocked him, com­ing up and offer­ing him sour wine, and say­ing, ‘If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!’ There was also an inscrip­tion over him, ‘This is the King of the Jews.’ One of the crim­in­als who were hanged there kept derid­ing him and say­ing, ‘Are you not the Mes­si­ah? Save your­self and us!’ But the oth­er rebuked him, say­ing, ‘Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sen­tence of con­dem­na­tion? And we indeed have been con­demned justly, for we are get­ting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done noth­ing wrong.’ Then he said, ‘Jesus, remem­ber me when you come into your kingdom.’ He replied, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’

For the Gos­pel of the Lord Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Hymn after Ser­mon: TIS 201 – King of glory, King of peace

Pray­er for our Par­ish

God of Love,
God of Mis­sion,
You alone bring growth to your Church.
Send to us your Holy Spir­it — to give-
Vis­ion for our plan­ning,
Wis­dom in our actions,
And power to our wit­ness.
Help our church to grow in num­bers,
In spir­itu­al com­mit­ment to you
And in ser­vice to our loc­al com­munity.

Offer­tory Hymn: TIS 497 – Let all mor­tal flesh keep silence

Hymn dur­ing Com­mu­nion:

Final Hymn: TIS 373 – Hail, thou once des­pised Jesus


The Flowers in the church today are in lov­ing memory of Fr John Holle and arranged by Moya.

Wed­nes­day 23 Novem­ber – Women’s Read­ing Group meets at Pau­line Newell’s home at 7.30 p.m. Ask Ruth, Jo Bur­ton or Pau­line for details if you are inter­ested.

Sat­urday 26 Novem­ber – Christ­mas Mar­ket! Please let Jen­nifer Bestel or Jen­nie Win­ton know what stall and what time you can help! We need every­one to be involved to make this our best ever effort. Please take some pamph­lets with your for your fam­ily, friends and neigh­bours. Invite them per­son­ally!!

Please note that, on the day, it will not be pos­sible to park in the car park (which will be solely for stalls and people). You may bring items in up until 8 am, but after that there will only be a “drop off” zone – drive in from Stan­more Road, drop off goods or people, and leave via Cav­endish Lane (both gates will be open), i.e. it will be one-way only. There is park­ing avail­able at the Cyprus Club in Stan­more Road or street park­ing in Stan­more Road or sur­round­ing streets.

Christ­mas Hamper Raffle for Christ­mas Mar­ket

Today is the last call for dona­tions of goods to place in the Christ­mas hamper which will be raffled dur­ing the Christ­mas Mar­ket. There is a bas­ket in the church foy­er where you can place deli­cious items for the hamper. Any ques­tions? Text or phone Julie Olston on 0400 650 676.

Sunday 27 Novem­ber at 5 p.m. is our Advent Car­ol Even­song with the Brabyn Sing­ers. Please invite your fam­ily and friends and if pos­sible bring a plate of some­thing for high tea – noth­ing that needs to be heated please.

Tues­day Bible Stud­ies have now fin­ished for the year. Our Com­bined Advent Stud­ies on John the Baptist (Locusts and Wild Honey), in 4 Parts. Starts at 7:00 p.m., Tues­days on:
22 Novem­ber
, St Joseph’s Cath­ol­ic Church, cnr Bed­ford & Sta­tion Sts, New­town;
29 Novem­ber, St Luke’s Church Enmore;
6 Decem­ber, St Luke’s Church Enmore:
13 Decem­ber, Met­ro­pol­it­an Com­munity Church, 96 Crys­tal St, Peter­sham.

Toys & Tuck­er for Angli­care will be col­lec­ted on Tues­day 6 Decem­ber. No chocol­ates please or any­thing that is per­ish­able. Vari­ous toys (without bat­ter­ies), canned goods or pack­et foods are most accept­able.

Book­stall News – We have cop­ies in stock of John Bunyan’s Reflec­tions and 24 Songs for a Reas­on­able Reform­a­tion: Beauty and Truth $12; also Keith Mascord’s Faith without Fear $30; and Jesus I have loved, but Paul? a Nar­rat­ive Approach to the Prob­lem of Pau­line Chris­tian­ity by J R Daniel Kirk, and Lec­tion­ar­ies for 2017.

Our Web­site:

Our web­site is being con­stantly updated by Fr Philip (ser­mons) and Angela Bell (weekly bul­let­ins and events). Have you taken a look recently? Your feed­back would be appre­ci­ated.

Please wear your name badge for the con­veni­ence of oth­ers!

Advance Notice


A NEW Aus­trali­an Music­al LADIES IN BLACK. Star City Lyr­ic Theatre — 8 pm Wed­nes­day 18 Janu­ary Cost $80. Let John Roe know by 13 Novem­ber if you are inter­ested 0400955772 or

Bible Read­ings for the Week 21st to 27th Novem­ber 2016

MONDAY Rev­el­a­tion 14.1–5 Psalm 24.1–6 Luke 21.1–4
TUESDAY Rev­el­a­tion 14.14–19 Psalm 96.9–13 Luke 21.5–11
WEDNESDAY Rev­el­a­tion 15.1–4 Psalm 98 Luke 21.12–19
THURSDAY Rev­el­a­tion 18.1–2; 18.21–19.9a Psalm 100 Luke 21.20–28
FRIDAY Rev­el­a­tion 20.1–4; 20.11–21.2 Psalm 84.1–7 Luke 21.29–33
SATURDAY Rev­el­a­tion 22.1–7 Psalm 95.1–7 Luke 21.34–36

Next Sunday’s Read­ings – First Sunday of Advent

Isai­ah 2.1–5
Psalm 122
Romans 13.9–14
Mat­thew 24.36–44


Pray­ers for each day of the week

Chris Brooks; Tony Brown­low; Gra­ham & Suz­anne Camp­ton, Andrew & Mea­ghan.

Les & Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Ron, Binh, Milly, Nam & Viol­etta Clarke.

Ron, Sheila; Nigel Vivi­en, Nath­an & Abi­gail Cross; Lyne, Elean­or, Con­stance Cuneen & John MacLu­lich.

Neville Daniels; Edi & Oscar Dav­is; Kathy Drum­mond; Dav­id Dun­lop; Brent Egan.

Michael, Eliza­beth, Thomas, Ellen­or & Nich­olas Flem­ing; Steph­en Gates & Andrew.

Alt­in & Han­nah Gav­ran­ovic; Peter Gil­bert & Alfredo Narnola; Kev­in Green.

Stu­art Grigg & ‘Tricia Blom­berry; Neville Hack; Richard Hagen & Som­sak­di.

Our Pray­ers for those in imme­di­ate need:

Leanne; Bruce Sims & Peter; Dawn Hol­land; Asia Bibi, Robert and Lyn­dall; Linda Jensath­it; Fr Ron Mor­ris.

Our Pray­er for those in need.

Shir­ley Allen; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Fatima Begum; Angela Bell; Ross Black; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Kay & Rus­sell Clark; Paull Gar­rett; Ros Gee; Madeline Gee; Mar­ilyn Gibbs; Tina Gounder & Jay­den Gounder; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Joseph Jee­bell; Ann Jeffs, Eddy Kit­tir­at; Melissa, John & Baby Ger­ard; Jude & Isla; Marissa; Emily & Taylor McCormick; Jen­nifer McGov­ern; John Naidu; Pau­line Newell; Peter Pur­cell; Bri­an Rawns­ley; Edward Reddy; Alex Regos; Joy Ree; Steph­en Thomas; Soph­ie Toupein; Janet Walms­ley; Bish­op Greg Thompson; Yavani Mu Daly, Vic­tor­ia, Leigh Gar­retty, Nii Samuela; Dav­id, Dav­id & Chandra; Nilesh Gandar & fam­ily; Alie­sha; Juli­an; Eve Moggs; Pit­taya Nitchar­oen; Bill Phipps & fam­ily; John Mic­allef; Lil­lian & moth­er; Jack & fam­ily; Mari­anela O’Brien & Car­oline Wilson.

Recently Depar­ted:

Rhoda Johansen

Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted:

Wil­li­am Lawson; Mar­garet Said; Fr. John Holle; Mar­garet Lofts; Alice Lofts.

Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion:

23rd Nov: Clem­ent of Rome, Bish­op and Mar­tyr (d.c. 100).
25th Nov: James Noble, pion­eer Abori­gin­al Dea­con 9.1941)

Evacuation and Location of Fire Extinguishers.

On St Luke’s Day a mild pan­ic broke out due to a small fire at the side of the gas stove in the kit­chen. Please every­one be aware that dur­ing any incid­ent we need to observe our evac­u­ation pro­ced­ure and meet up on the foot­path on Stan­more Road at the bot­tom of the stairs from the church. The Church­war­dens should then ensure the build­ing is clear, fire extin­guish­ers manned and fire bri­gade called if neces­sary.

Please take note that the gas main is loc­ated on the Rect­ory wall facing the church and can be turned off by a tap loc­ated behind the bushes – low to the ground on the left of the meter. The gas stove can be turned off at the rear of the stove – pull the stove out and gas tap is loc­ated on the wall at the rear of the stove, at floor level.

Fire Extin­guish­ers are branded for a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose and are loc­ated:-

  • In the kit­chen just inside the door from the hall on the right hand side. [This extin­guish­er is safe to use on fires on or caused by our stove or elec­tric­al goods.]

  • At the rear of the hall near the Emmaus Room access door loc­ated on the left-hand side walk­ing towards the Emmaus Room

  • In the church narthex (main entrance|) just inside the door from the porch on the right-hand side.

From the Thai Com­munity

Sin­cere apo­lo­gies have been received from the Thai com­munity for can­cel­ling their pre­vi­ously planned (last night) Thai Fest­iv­al – Loi Kratong. They hope to be able to host some­thing sim­il­ar in the future and wish to thank you for your under­stand­ing.

Par­ish Inform­a­tion: ABN.78 161 584 893.

Sung Euchar­ist and Chil­dren’s Min­istry at 9.30 am fol­lowed by hos­pit­al­ity in the hall. Thai Com­munity meets in the Chapel after morn­ing tea. Enquir­ies to Aman­da Mason 0407 101 382.

Wed­nes­day 9.30 a.m. — Morn­ing Pray­er; 10.00 a.m. Euchar­ist (fol­lowed by morn­ing tea)
Fri­day 8.30 a.m. – Morn­ing Pray­er

CONFESSIONS (Sac­ra­ment of Recon­cili­ation) HOME COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, & MARRIAGES by arrange­ment.

Rect­or — Fr Philip Brad­ford — 0431 655 220 (Mob)
Office Ph 9557 4219 PO Box 64. Enmore NSW 2042
Par­ish email:
Fr Philip:

Pas­tor­al Care
Lay-Min­is­ters — Part Time – Lea MacNeil & Aman­da Mason.

OFFICE HOURS: Tues­day 9.00 to 11.00 am; Wed­nes­day 9.00 am to 12 noon; Fri­day 8.30 to 10.30 a.m.

Hon Clergy Asso­ci­ate:
Fr Ron Mor­ris (Mob 0409 451362)

Organ­ist: Kathy Drum­mond
Occa­sion­al Organ­ist: C. Brooks

133 Enmore Rd, Tel: 9550 5713
Hours: Tues, Wed & Fri­day 9.30 — 4; Thursday 9.30–3; Sat 9.30 – 2.30, Sunday, Monday – Closed.

Hall Admin­is­trat­or:
Stu­art Veitch Mb 0400–312-354

Jen­nie Win­ton Mb 0401 727 718.
Eddy Reddy Mb 0410 634 948
Ruth Cham­pi­on Mb 0400 166 041

Par­ish Coun­cil:
Andy Ser­afin; Jen­nifer Bestel; James Barnes (Treas­urer); Susan Hill; Peter Sey­mour; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; Amrit MacIntyre & Tony Pur­cell.

Par­ish Nom­in­at­ors:
Moya Holle; Mandy Tib­bey; Susan Hill; Ruth Cham­pi­on & Stu­art Veitch.

Pas­tor­al Care Sup­port Group:
Ruth Cham­pi­on; Stu­art Ogg; John Tonetti, Moya Holle; Peter Sey­mour