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notices sunday 6th october 2019

NOTICES: Birth­days for Octo­ber: Stu­art Grigg; Mandy Tib­bey; Ann Petersen; Moya Holle; Lucy Raj; Peter Tre­gil­gas; Ian Myl­chreest; Eddy Kit­tir­at; Lea McNeil; and Angela Bell. Next Week: Sunday 13th Octo­ber — BBQ Lunch at the rect­ory – All welcome!!  BYO drink & meat (if saus­ages are not your thing), and a salad or sweet to…

Notices Sunday 29th Sept 2019

NOTICES: Next Sunday – Day­light Sav­ing starts Sunday 6th Octo­ber. Remem­ber to turn your clocks for­ward 1 hour. Next Sunday – we are cel­eb­rat­ing St Fran­cis of Assisi Day.  If you would like to bring in your pets for a bless­ing please do so. BBQ lunch at the rect­ory – Sunday 13th Octo­ber . Our…

NOtices Sunday 22nd September

NOTICES: Next Sunday — Please remem­ber that Sunday, 29 Septem­ber, is Cre­at­ive Sunday when those of us with creative/artistic gifts have the oppor­tun­ity (an invit­a­tion) to present a token of that gift at the offer­tory (when candles are usu­ally brought up).  We have a won­der­fully gif­ted con­greg­a­tion. This will be a time to give thanks…