NOTICES This Week: BBQ Lunch at the rectory – All welcome!! BYO drink & meat (if sausages are not your thing), and a salad or sweet to share. The parish will provide bread rolls and condiments. Eddie Reddy will be our chef. This Week: Youth conversation — After food at BBQ. Fr Jeff invites our…
NOTICES: Birthdays for October: Stuart Grigg; Mandy Tibbey; Ann Petersen; Moya Holle; Lucy Raj; Peter Tregilgas; Ian Mylchreest; Eddy Kittirat; Lea McNeil; and Angela Bell. Next Week: Sunday 13th October — BBQ Lunch at the rectory – All welcome!! BYO drink & meat (if sausages are not your thing), and a salad or sweet to…
NOTICES: Next Sunday – Daylight Saving starts Sunday 6th October. Remember to turn your clocks forward 1 hour. Next Sunday – we are celebrating St Francis of Assisi Day. If you would like to bring in your pets for a blessing please do so. BBQ lunch at the rectory – Sunday 13th October . Our…
NOTICES: Next Sunday — Please remember that Sunday, 29 September, is Creative Sunday when those of us with creative/artistic gifts have the opportunity (an invitation) to present a token of that gift at the offertory (when candles are usually brought up). We have a wonderfully gifted congregation. This will be a time to give thanks…
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