Today — Parish Council meets after morning tea in the Parish Office. Advent Discussions — Advent is a most important time of the year for Christians like us. There will be some Advent discussions held in the parish. If you are interested in being involved or hosting a group, please let Fr. Jeff know. St…
NOTICES: St Paul’s Burwood Pantry — Nov 2019: Every quarter we give a donation from the OpShop to St Paul’s pantry to provide for necessities that are generally not given as donations. The Parish Council decided that during November we would ask parishioners to bring a can or two of food that we as a…
NOTICES: Happy Birthday to Stuart Veitch; Laurence Burton-Veitch; John M.; Kay Younie; Geoff Lindsay; Ronan Nath; Oscar Davis; Noel Jeffs; David Dunlop; Les Carrington; Ellenor Fleming; Michael Fleming; Janet Walmsley; and Milly Clarke. Today: Evening Prayer at 6pm. It would be great if you could come along and pray at this time in a different,…
NOTICES: Thank you to all who helped in any way in relation to our dear sister Angela Bell’s Funeral. It was a day when our parish family worked together in a wonderful and caring way. St Paul’s Burwood Pantry — Nov 2019: Every quarter we give a donation from the OpShop to St Paul’s pantry…
We welcome especially today Fr Ron Silarsah and Chantal from Christ Church St Laurence. And our visitors from our sister Parish of Christ Church Blayney/Milthorpe who have travelled down to be with us on this occasion. Each year a group of us travels to Blayney/Milthorpe during Lent. We welcome also any other visitors.  Today: Shared…
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