
Notices_Sunday 22nd Dec — Fourth Sunday Of Advent

NOTICES Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you to every­one that helped with our Par­ish Work­ing Bee yes­ter­day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY — Nurs­ing Home vis­it: After the ser­vice and morn­ing tea parish­ion­ers are invited to sing car­ols at Stan­more nurs­ing home while gifts are dis­trib­uted. Neg­at­ive cov­id…

Notices — Feast of Transfiguration — Sunday 14th February 2021

NOTICES: The Latest news on Cov­­id-19 for Churches from Bp Michael Stead From Fri­day 12th Feb­ru­ary 2021, Face masks are no longer man­dat­ory in places of wor­ship. Do we need to wear masks while present­ing at church?  NO.  Atten­tion should still be paid to prop­er hygiene when it comes to the shar­ing of micro­phones or lecterns. NO…

Notices: Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost — 15th November 2020

NOTICES This Week:  Sat­urday 21 Novem­ber – Men’s Night Out:  Del­hi-O-Del­hi Indi­an res­taur­ant, 3 Erskinev­ille Road, Erskineville.  Din­ner 5.30 — 7.30 pm. Phone 9557 4455.  Must let Kev­in Green know by Sunday 15th Novem­ber.   Christ­mas Cards now for Sale:  New 2020 stock –- sup­port­ing The Lep­rosy Mis­sion, Australia-$10 per pack of 10.  Please see Stephan Gates at the…

Notices — Mary, Mother of Our Lord — Sunday 16th August, 2020

NOTICES: The flowers today are donated by Maur­een Byers, Eddie, Susan, Edwin, Leil­ani, Stephanie & Car­men Reddy, Dav­id Byers, Josie, Stathis, and Anthony & Pamela Papadi­mitri­ou in lov­ing memory of the late Henry Anthony Robert Byers; our Dad, Fath­er-In-Law, Nan­nu, & Buz Nan­nu, who died on 18 August, 2017. RIP.   Next Week: Con­firm­a­tion Ser­vice…