NOTICES Welcome to any visitors with us today. Please join us for morning tea. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you to everyone that helped with our Parish Working Bee yesterday. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY — Nursing Home visit: After the service and morning tea parishioners are invited to sing carols at Stanmore nursing home while gifts are distributed. Negative covid…
NOTICES: Fr Jeff and Michelle Parker and their family wish you all a happy and holy Christmas. Stay safe, drive carefully, and let’s all look to make 2024 a year full of joy and healing. A very big thank you to all those who have contributed money for flowers and gifts to the nursing home…
NOTICES: The Latest news on Covid-19 for Churches from Bp Michael Stead From Friday 12th February 2021, Face masks are no longer mandatory in places of worship. Do we need to wear masks while presenting at church?  NO. Attention should still be paid to proper hygiene when it comes to the sharing of microphones or lecterns. NO…
NOTICES This Week: Saturday 21 November – Men’s Night Out:  Delhi-O-Delhi Indian restaurant, 3 Erskineville Road, Erskineville.  Dinner 5.30 — 7.30 pm. Phone 9557 4455.  Must let Kevin Green know by Sunday 15th November.  Christmas Cards now for Sale:  New 2020 stock –- supporting The Leprosy Mission, Australia-$10 per pack of 10.  Please see Stephan Gates at the…
NOTICES: The flowers today are donated by Maureen Byers, Eddie, Susan, Edwin, Leilani, Stephanie & Carmen Reddy, David Byers, Josie, Stathis, and Anthony & Pamela Papadimitriou in loving memory of the late Henry Anthony Robert Byers; our Dad, Father-In-Law, Nannu, & Buz Nannu, who died on 18 August, 2017. RIP. Â Next Week: Confirmation Service…
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