St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Parish News (Page 53)

Gen­er­al News from the Parish

COVID-19 Virus Response

State­ment of Cur­rent Response to Cov­­id-19 vir­us by St Luke’s Enmore by Fr Jeff Park­er (Rect­or) As I have indic­ated in per­vi­ous weeks, I have been fol­low­ing the pro­gress of this issue very closely and that whatever safety pre­cau­tions we were asked to make we would make. Late this week we received advice from the Arch­bish­op as to…

Notices — Second Sunday in Lent — 8th March

NOTICES: Today: Church Warden’s meet­ing after morn­ing tea. Today: Taizéin South­ern Sydney – Sunday 8th March at 4pm: All wel­come to Taizé Pray­ers at St Mark’s South Hurstville, The Mall, South Hurstville.  A quarterly Ecu­men­ic­al gath­er­ing with songs, read­ings, silence and pray­er.  Enquir­ies Bruce Cooke Mob: 0412 680 430 or PLEASE AVOID HANDSHAKING — On…

Notices ‑1st Sunday in Lent — 1st March

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to: Bianca Reddy; Kath­er­ine Old­field; John Tonetti; Tony Brown­low; Joseph Kumar; Viol­etta Clarke; Nam Clarke; & Peter Sey­mour. Today: — Even­ing Pray­er at 6 pm Fol­low­ing our AGM last week, we would like to thank the par­ish for their increased attend­ence and con­grat­u­late the fol­low­ing people who have been elec­ted into office:  Church Wardens:…

Notices — Sunday 23rd February — Feast of the Transfiguration

NOTICES: Today: — Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing after morn­ing tea.  This is the par­ish annu­al meet­ing and all parish­ion­ers should be inter­ested and are invited to attend.  If you can’t attend, please give your name as an apo­logy to any oth­er mem­ber of the con­greg­a­tion who may be attend­ing.  Next Week: Even­ing Pray­er at 6 pm. Tues­day 25th February…

Notices — Sunday 16th February

NOTICES: Today: — Par­ish Coun­cil meet­ing after morn­ing tea. Play Group @ Enmore – Monday from 10am to 12 Noon. For carers of young chil­dren.   For inform­a­tion phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390. Please let oth­ers know about this group. This Week: 2020 Cinema Para­diso – Sat­urday 22nd Feb­ru­ary 4 pm for 4.30pm in St Luke’s Church…