St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Parish News (Page 49)

Gen­er­al News from the Parish

Notices — Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost — 6th September, 2020

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to: Joyce Reddy; Gra­hame Sadler; Laurel Som­mer; Amrit MacIntyre; Beth Arm­strong; Eed Dar­unee Intapan; and Mint Kit­tir­at.   The flowers in the church today are donated today by Ann Petersen, in memory of her moth­er Mary Edmonds.   Life-Sav­ing Phone num­bers: Recently I com­pleted a St Johns Ambu­lance course on ‘Men­tal Health First Aid’.…

Notices — Sunday 30th August 2020

NOTICES: Please avoid attend­ing church if you have any symp­toms which are lis­ted on the NSW Health web­site: Symp­toms of COVID-19 include: fever (37.5 ° or high­er); cough and/or short­ness of breath (dif­fi­culty breath­ing); sore throat; loss of taste and/or loss of smell; Oth­er repor­ted symp­toms of COVID-19 include fatigue, runny nose, muscle pain, joint pain,…

Notices — Sunday 9th August, 2020

NOTICES: We have received the fol­low­ing advice from the Arch­bish­op this week.  Fr Jeff asks that we please all take note and co-oper­­ate in a spir­it of mutu­al respect and care. “It is now recom­men­ded that every­one attend­ing church should wear a face mask. It is per­miss­ible for those preach­ing or lead­ing the ser­vice to remove…

Notices — Sunday 2nd August 2020

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to: Ron Nath; Jen­nifer McGov­ern; Brett Dav­ies; Ken Searle; and James Barnes. Today: 5pm Even­ing Pray­er.  Fr Jeff is happy to give you com­mu­nion at this ser­vice, if you wish. Sunday School/Children’s Min­istry has now resumed with social dis­tan­cing and hygiene meas­ures in place.  Please come along and join us Remem­ber Mis­sion Giv­ing: The…