NOTICES Happy Birthday to: Peter Seymour; Tony Brownlow; Marilyn Gibbs; Selina Hardy; Katherine Oldfield; Bianca Reddy; Rick Prately; Andy Bestel; Joseph Kumar; Violetta Clarke; and Nam Clarke.  ABM mission meeting has been postponed until after the AGM. New date is yet to be confirmed. It would be helpful to have read the…
TODAY — Parish Council will meet after 9.30am service and morning tea. OpShop 30-year celebration pens are available in the foyer for $2 each. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2024 Lenten Studies – Begin Mon 19th Feb & Wed 21st Feb: Monday group will be at 7.30pm on Zoom. We will be using the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent…
NOTICES: Next Sunday — Parish Council meets in the church after 9.30am service and morning tea. OpShop 30-year celebration pens are available in the foyer for $2 each.  Palm Crosses Needed: Please remember to bring in your palm crosses from last year. We will burn these to make the ash on Shrove Tuesday…
NOTICES: Many thanks to Fr Jeff and Michelle Parker who celebrate their 5th Anniversary with us at St Luke’s this week. Happy Birthday to: Susan Hill; Evelyn Maack; Fr Jeff Parker; Kevin Green; Eddie Reddy; Lyne Cunneen; Janet Widmer; Alex Hill; Veronica Nath; and Lyn Carrington. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY – Meeting for Parish…
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