Parish News

Gen­er­al News from the Par­ish

Notices_Sunday 23rd March 2025 — Third Sunday of Lent

Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea as we cel­eb­rate with Fr John Bunyan, as he cuts his cel­eb­ra­tion cake! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Con­grat­u­la­tions to Fr John Bunyan who will be launch­ing two books today: 1. Honey From The Stony Rock : 100+ Aus­trali­an Son­nets — with some earli­er son­nets revised…

Notices_Sunday 16th March — 2nd Sunday in Lent

NOTICES Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY – Annu­al Vestry Meet­ing will be held after the 9.30am ser­vice and morn­ing tea in the church hall. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you to Stu­art Veitch for mount­ing the enorm­ously high lad­der and clean­ing the fans in the hall last week! Thank…

Notices_Sunday 9th March — First Sunday In Lent

Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea. __________________________________________________________________ Tues­day Night Bible Study at 7.30pm: At Fr Philip Bradford’s place 5 Lin­coln St, Stan­more.  We are con­tinu­ing the Let­ter of Paul to the Romans.  Bring a bible. All wel­come. _______________________________________________________________ Next Sunday 16th March – Annu­al Vestry Meet­ing will be held…

Notices_Sunday 2nd March 2025 — Transfiguration — Last Sunday After Epiphany

Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea. _______________________________________________________________________________ Happy Birth­day to: Peter Sey­mour; Rick Prat­ley; Tony Brown­low; Selina Hardy; Mar­ilyn Gibbs; Kath­er­ine Old­field; Bianca Reddy; Viol­etta Clarke; Nam Clarke; Andy Bestel; and Joseph Kumar. _______________________________________________________ The flowers in the church today have been donated by Ann Petersen in lov­ing…

Notices_Sunday 23rd February 2025_Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

NOTICES: Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea. _______________________________________________________________________________ The flowers in the church today are donated by Jen­nifer B., & Mar­ilyn Gibbs in lov­ing memory of their broth­er & son, James Gibbs (His birth­day would be tomor­row 24th Feb­ru­ary). _______________________________________________________________________________ Answered prayer!  Thank you to every­one who has…