St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Bulletin (Page 8)

The weekly bul­let­in sheets for the liturgy and notices from Sunday’s services

Notices_Sunday 26th May — The Feast of the Holy Trinity

NOTICES:   TODAY- Christ­mas Mar­ket Com­mit­tee meet­ing:   After morn­ing tea, the com­mit­tee will meet to over­see the plan­ning and oper­a­tion of the Mar­ket this year.   NEXT SUNDAY: 5pm Spir­it of Taizé ser­vice.   The war­dens and par­ish coun­cil are seek­ing a Vol­un­tary Hall Hire Admin­is­trat­or.  This needs to be someone fairly loc­al with a vehicle.  If…