St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Bulletin (Page 51)

The weekly bul­let­in sheets for the liturgy and notices from Sunday’s services

Notices — The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Sunday 29th March

NOTICES: ALL St Luke’s Enmore Sunday & Wed­nes­day church ser­vices have been can­celled until fur­ther notice.  A weekly ser­vice will be pos­ted online and access­ible via Face­book or You­Tube — our chan­nel is ‘St Lukes Enmore’ Please note: Due to broad­cast­ing copy­right restric­tions we are not able to play/sing the hymns and songs dur­ing the…

Notices — Fourth Sunday in Lent — 22nd March

NOTICES: Com­mis­sion­ing of our recently appoin­ted Church War­dens, Par­ish Coun­cil­lors, Par­ish Nom­in­at­ors & Syn­od Reps – has been can­celled this week.  Please keep them in your pray­er.   Par­ish Work­ing Bee – Sat­urday 21st March start­ing at 9.30am.  Please bring your own garden­ing gloves. ALL wel­come and needed.   Blayney Week­end (28/29 March) has been…

Notices — Third Sunday in Lent ‑15th March

NOTICES: Par­ish Work­ing Bee – Sat­urday 21st March at 10am: Please bring your own garden­ing gloves. ALL wel­come and needed.   Next Men’s Night Out — 21st March at 6 for 6.30p: Ven­ue: Alberto’s Pizzer­ia, 589 King Street, New­town.  See Kev­in Green for more inform­a­tion.   Next Week: Sunday 22nd March  Com­mis­sion­ing of our recently appoin­ted Church…

COVID-19 Virus Response

State­ment of Cur­rent Response to Cov­­id-19 vir­us by St Luke’s Enmore by Fr Jeff Park­er (Rect­or) As I have indic­ated in per­vi­ous weeks, I have been fol­low­ing the pro­gress of this issue very closely and that whatever safety pre­cau­tions we were asked to make we would make. Late this week we received advice from the Arch­bish­op as to…