St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Bulletin (Page 44)

The weekly bul­let­in sheets for the liturgy and notices from Sunday’s services

Notices — Feast of Transfiguration — Sunday 14th February 2021

NOTICES: The Latest news on Cov­­id-19 for Churches from Bp Michael Stead From Fri­day 12th Feb­ru­ary 2021, Face masks are no longer man­dat­ory in places of wor­ship. Do we need to wear masks while present­ing at church?  NO.  Atten­tion should still be paid to prop­er hygiene when it comes to the shar­ing of micro­phones or lecterns. NO

Notices — Fifth Sunday After Epiphany — 7th February 2021

NOTICES: Happy birth­day to the fol­low­ing parish­ion­ers: Eddie Reddy; Veron­ica Nath; Susan Hill; Alex Hill; Janet Wid­mer; Evelyn Maack; Rose­mary Brad­ford; Kev­in Green; and Fr Jeff. Many thanks to Lea McNeil & Don­ald Thomas for host­ing the Annu­al Epi­phany Ser­vice and BBQ in the Moun­tains yes­ter­day. Next Men’s Nite Out — Sat­urday 13th Feb­ru­ary at 6…