St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Bulletin (Page 42)

The weekly bul­let­in sheets for the liturgy and notices from Sunday’s services

Notices — Fifth Sunday of Easter — 2nd May 2021

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to: Shir­ley Allen; Michelle Park­er; Richard Hagen; Susan Reddy; Louisa Sil­ver­man; Saf­fron Pow­ell; Fr Philip Brad­ford and to all oth­ers who cel­eb­rate a birth­day this month. Tonight — 5pm Even­ing Ser­vice.   Ascen­sion Day Cel­eb­ra­tion at Christ Church St Laurence: Fr Jeff has been invited to preach at the Ascen­sion Day ser­vice at…

Notices — Easter Sunday — 4th April 2021

NOTICES: East­er Joy and Bless­ings from Fr Jeff, Michelle and fam­ily. Please drive/travel safely and observe all the Cov­id pre­cau­tions for your own pro­tec­tion and the safety of oth­ers.   Happy Birth­day to: Car­men Reddy; Edwin Reddy; Byrson Reddy; Stephanie Reddy; Chris­toph­er Haly; Jo Bur­ton; Eliza­beth Arm­strong (Flem­ing); Jo Raj; Ian Barnett; Mat­thi­as Oduro; and…

Notices — Palm Sunday — 28th March 2021

NOTICES: Dona­tions are sought for flowers for East­er: Either in kind or cash.  Please give cdash dona­tions to Moya Holle or dir­ect cred­it (as “East­er Flowers”) to St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Work­ing Account (details can be found on the last page of this ser­vice book­let).   Holy Week: 1st April – Maun­dy Thursday: 7.30 pm…