St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Bulletin (Page 41)

The weekly bul­let­in sheets for the liturgy and notices from Sunday’s services

Notices — Sunday 6th June — Feast of St Augustine

NOTICES Happy birth­day to:  Andy Ser­afin; Julie Olston; Anthea Nath; Rachel Reddy; Leil­ani Reddy; Johnny Nitchar­oen; Thomas Raj; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Don­ald Thomas; Atom Kit­tir­at and Annie Prat­ton. The flowers in the church today are donated in memory of the Late Edward Reddy from his lov­ing fam­ily, Joyce Reddy, Eddie, Susan, Edwin, Leil­ani, Stephanie & Carmen…

Notices — Sunday After Ascension — 16th May 2021

NOTICES: Today we wel­come Bp Don­ald Kirk and his wife, Camryn, and pray for God’s con­tin­ued bless­ing on their min­istry of lead­er­ship in the Dio­cese of Riv­er­ina.   The flowers today were donated by Mat­ilda Rink­er in lov­ing memory of her hus­band, Peter Rink­er.   Par­ish Coun­cil meets today after morn­ing tea.     New Arch­bish­op of…