The Parish Resources Centre is located between St. Augustine’s Chapel and the Parish Hall. Open after Church on Sundays — from 10.30 during morning tea. See Stephen Gates. Any specific or personal orders should be done online through your preferred online retailer.
2022 Christmas Cards ( $13 per packet)
(2022) Sourced from The Leprosy Mission, Australia.
2021 Christmas Cards (SALE — Reduced price)
(2021) Sourced from The Leprosy Mission, Australia.
The Parish Resources Centre defines a collection of books and magazines which parishioners can borrow. Items to be purchased for sale will be Lenten or Advent study books, Lectionaries, Christmas cards, Calendars, and other literature for both young people and general reading material as determined for purchase by the Rector, Wardens, or Parish Council in consultation with the person responsible for the Centre. The person who manages the Centre, currently Stephen Gates, reports directly to the Wardens and Parish Council.
Collection Highlights
God’s Dream / Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has a vision of God’s dream, which he shares here with the youngest of listeners. It involves people who reach out and hold each other’s hands, but sometimes get angry and hurt each other — and say they’re sorry and forgive.
Joseph’s Cradle / Jude Daly
At the heart of Joseph’s African village is a great tree, and the villagers have lived contentedly for generations in its shelter. When the tree falls down, Joseph carves a beautiful cradle for his first child, Sisi. And so begins a very special tradition.
How to Heal a Broken Wing / Bob Graham
When Will helps an injured bird, he learns that a little kindness can go a long way. No one in the busy city sees the bird lying on the pavement, its wing broken. No one but a small boy called Will. He and his mum carry it home and, with time, rest, and a little bit of hope, the wing mends — and they set the bird free to soar over the city once more.
Welcome to Country / Aunty Joy Murphy & Lisa Kennedy
Welcome to the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri People. We are part of this land and the land is part of us. Aunty Joy Wandin Murphy is a most respected senior Wurundjeri elder of the Kulin alliance. This is a very accessible welcome that introduces and gives meaning and explanation within the text to the customs and symbols of Indigenous Australia.Â
The Breadwinner / Deborah Ellis
Parvana’s father is arrested and taken away by Taliban soldiers. Under Taliban law, women and girls are not allowed to leave the house on their own. Parvana, her mother, and sisters are prisoners in their own home. With no man to go out to buy food, they face starvation.
My Brother Vivian … and the Christian Martyrs of Papua New Guinea / Patrick Redlich
Vivian Redlich died as a Christian martyr in the Second World War, in Papua New Guinea. The story of his life, as told by his much younger half-brother, is one of inspired service for Jesus Christ, mixed with genuine concern for the needs of others.
Her Mother’s Daughter: a Memoir / Nadia Wheatley
“After her mother’s death, the ten-year-old began writing down the stories her mother had told her—of a Cinderella-like childhood, followed by an escape into a career as an army nurse in Palestine and Greece, and as an aid-worker in the refugee camps of post-war Germany. Some fifty years later, the finished memoir is not only a loving tribute but an investigation of the bewildering processes of memory itself.‖Text Publishing.
Outrageous Women Outrageous God: Women in the First Two Generations of Christianity / Ross Saunders
“Outrageous Women, Outrageous God is a study into the status and ministry of women in the New Testament, and how they went against many of the social and religious constraints of their time. It is a fresh approach to the place women, both Jewish and gentile, made for themselves-from the conception of John the Baptizer to the death of the last apostle. “—Garratt Publishing.
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