Christmas Update 2022

The Par­ish Resources Centre is loc­ated between St. Augustine’s Chapel and the Par­ish Hall. Open after Church on Sundays — from 10.30 dur­ing morn­ing tea.  See Steph­en Gates.  Any spe­cif­ic or per­son­al orders should be done online through your pre­ferred online retail­er.


2022 Christ­mas Cards ( $13 per pack­et)

(2022) Sourced from The Lep­rosy Mis­sion, Aus­tralia.













2021 Christ­mas Cards (SALE — Reduced price)

(2021) Sourced from The Lep­rosy Mis­sion, Aus­tralia.




The Par­ish Resources Centre defines a col­lec­tion of books and magazines which parish­ion­ers can bor­row. Items to be pur­chased for sale will be Len­ten or Advent study books, Lec­tion­ar­ies, Christ­mas cards, Cal­en­dars, and oth­er lit­er­at­ure for both young people and gen­er­al read­ing mater­i­al as determ­ined for pur­chase by the Rect­or, War­dens, or Par­ish Coun­cil in con­sulta­tion with the per­son respons­ible for the Centre. The per­son who man­ages the Centre, cur­rently Steph­en Gates, reports dir­ectly to the War­dens and Par­ish Coun­cil.


Col­lec­tion High­lights

God’s Dream / Arch­bish­op Des­mond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams.

Arch­bish­op Des­mond Tutu has a vis­ion of God’s dream, which he shares here with the young­est of listen­ers. It involves people who reach out and hold each oth­er­’s hands, but some­times get angry and hurt each oth­er — and say they’re sorry and for­give.


Joseph­’s Cradle / Jude Daly

At the heart of Joseph’s Afric­an vil­lage is a great tree, and the vil­la­gers have lived con­ten­tedly for gen­er­a­tions in its shel­ter. When the tree falls down, Joseph carves a beau­ti­ful cradle for his first child, Sisi. And so begins a very spe­cial tra­di­tion.


How to Heal a Broken Wing / Bob Gra­ham

When Will helps an injured bird, he learns that a little kind­ness can go a long way. No one in the busy city sees the bird lying on the pave­ment, its wing broken. No one but a small boy called Will. He and his mum carry it home and, with time, rest, and a little bit of hope, the wing mends — and they set the bird free to soar over the city once more.


Wel­come to Coun­try / Aunty Joy Murphy & Lisa Kennedy

Wel­come to the tra­di­tion­al lands of the Wur­undjeri People. We are part of this land and the land is part of us. Aunty Joy Wand­in Murphy is a most respec­ted seni­or Wur­undjeri eld­er of the Kulin alli­ance. This is a very access­ible wel­come that intro­duces and gives mean­ing and explan­a­tion with­in the text to the cus­toms and sym­bols of Indi­gen­ous Australia. 

The Bread­win­ner / Deborah Ellis

Par­vana’s fath­er is arres­ted and taken away by Taliban sol­diers. Under Taliban law, women and girls are not allowed to leave the house on their own. Par­vana, her moth­er, and sis­ters are pris­on­ers in their own home. With no man to go out to buy food, they face star­va­tion.



My Broth­er Vivi­an … and the Chris­ti­an Mar­tyrs of Pap­ua New Guinea / Patrick Red­lich

Vivi­an Red­lich died as a Chris­ti­an mar­tyr in the Second World War, in Pap­ua New Guinea. The story of his life, as told by his much young­er half-broth­er, is one of inspired ser­vice for Jesus Christ, mixed with genu­ine con­cern for the needs of oth­ers.



Her Mother­’s Daugh­ter: a Mem­oir / Nadia Wheat­ley

“After her mother’s death, the ten-year-old began writ­ing down the stor­ies her moth­er had told her—of a Cinder­ella-like child­hood, fol­lowed by an escape into a career as an army nurse in Palestine and Greece, and as an aid-work­er in the refugee camps of post-war Ger­many. Some fifty years later, the fin­ished mem­oir is not only a lov­ing trib­ute but an invest­ig­a­tion of the bewil­der­ing pro­cesses of memory itself.”–Text Pub­lish­ing.



Out­rageous Women Out­rageous God: Women in the First Two Gen­er­a­tions of Chris­tian­ity / Ross Saun­ders

“Outrageous Women, Out­rageous God is a study into the status and min­istry of women in the New Test­a­ment, and how they went against many of the social and reli­gious con­straints of their time. It is a fresh approach to the place women, both Jew­ish and gen­tile, made for them­selves-from the con­cep­tion of John the Bap­tizer to the death of the last apostle. “—Garratt Pub­lish­ing.